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A mobile client (app) for Scratch built with Apache Cordova

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A screenshot of Itchy

Building for platforms


Building for android

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Then go into it and install all dependencies:

cd itchy-cordova
npm install

You should see two version numbers appear. Then run the build script:

npm run-script build

It'll build you the runnable source files (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in a directory called www. After that you can build the project into an Android package (APK) file:

cordova platform add android
cordova build android --minSdkVersion=22

The last few lines of the output of that command will tell you where the APK is located.

Building for browser

For development, you can also run the app in the browser: after npm run build, do :

cordova platform add browser
cordova run browser

Building assets

As a mobile app, there are several assets that are required to be built for different screen sizes. All asset builds use cordova-res, which you can install with:

npm install -g cordova-res

Generating icons

Itchy uses the new standard of Android Adaptive Icons, which means that any icon updates must:

  • Be high-resolution
  • Be made up of foreground and background components
  • Fit the size limits of adaptive icons outlined in the requirements

Building icons is as simple as this:

cordova-res --type adaptive-icon
cordova-res --type icon

The icons are placed in ./resources/android/icon where they can be referenced by the config.xml file.

Generating splash screens

The splash screen displays when the app is opened but still loading. It must be simple and also follow the Cordova splashscreen guidelines. Splash generation is slightly tricky since we have to build for both light and dark mode. Light mode is easy enough:

cordova-res --type splash

However, dark mode is not explicitly supported by cordova-res, so the team created a custom build script for dark splashes, which must be run from the root of the project:

npm run-script genDarkSplashes

Take note that this script is only designed for Unix-based operating systems such as Mac and Linux. The forward slashes will break the script on Windows. The easiest way to get around this when trying to build on Windows is to temporarily replace the forward slashes (/) with escaped backslashes (\\).