Inspired by Sean Allen’s course, I decided to transform his application by adapting it to the TCA (The Composable Architecture) framework. The goal of this project is to gain a deep understanding of TCA by implementing modern design patterns and creating a modular, scalable application following best practices.
The results of my work and the details of each step can be found on GitHub: StepTrackerTCA. This project is not only a technical exercise but also an exploration of possibilities and best practices in the context of modern iOS app development.
Sean Allen - Sean’s GitHub profile. Sean Allen Teachable - Portfolio Project - direct link to the course.
* A: Add TCA package dependency
* A: Container-Based Dependency Factory Package
* A: Create basic `DashboardFeature`
- remove ContentView
- create basic DashboardView
* B: Add initial DashboardView layout with mock data
- create basic GroupBoxView for Walk and Calendar container
* C: HealthMetricContext
- Created HealthMetricContext to represent health metrics
- Added a Picker in DashboardView to allow the user to switch between health metrics.
- handle state and action in `DashboardFeature`
* D: HealthDataListFeature
- create `HealthDataListFeature`
- add navigation/path
* E: AddMetricDataFeature
- create `AddMetricDataFeature`
- add destination
- create UI
- handle basic validation
- present Alert
* A: Signing & Capabilities
- add healthKit
- add privacy description
* B: HealthKitManager
- create `DefaultHealthKitManager`
- create container for application dependencies.
* C: HealthKitPermissionFeatures
- create Feature and view
* D: UserDefaults
- create `UserDefaultsServiceManager`
- add DashboardFeatureService
* A: Get mock HealthData
* B: Fetch HealthKit data
- fetch steps data
- steps charts basic UI
* C: Step Bar Chart customizations
- add chartXAxis and chartYAxis customizations
- add chartXSelection & RuleMark for selected x data chart
* A: Swift Algorithms
* B: Average steps count calculation
- create extension for weekdayInt
- calculate average health data per weekday
* C: PieChart basic UI
- create basic UI
- pie chart interactivity
- calculate total steps form 28 days
* A: Create AppScreen
- add appScreen
* B: create `AppTabFeature`
* C: create `ActivityFeature` and `WorkoutFeature`
- folder reorganizations
- create two empty feature for test purposes
* D: Connect new features to `AppTabFeature`
* E: Navigation `ActivityFeature`
- create `ActivityDetailsFeature`
- add destination
* A: Add AppTabContent to handle NavigationSplitView for adaptive layout support.
* A: Weight chart basic UI
- added a switch in DashboardView to dynamically display content based on the selected health metric i
- implemented updateWeightChartData to handle the retrieval of weight-related data and update the state to display the processed information in the chart
- chart basic UI
- change unit to kilo
* B: WeightChart Interactivity
* A: New independent Features for each Chart
- create empty chart widget feature
* B: WeightGoalWidget chart & feature
- extract all necessary code to WeightGoalWidgetFeature
- refactor destination
* C: StepPieWidget chart & feature
- extract all necessary code to StepPieWidgetFeature
* D: StepWidget chart & feature. Dashboard Feature and View refactor
- extract all necessary code to StepWidgetFeature
- refactor Dashboard feature and view
- remove path form DashboardFeature
- add struct and create mock data
- add Preview to all charts
* E: Optimized Data Loading in Widgets
- Introduced a state flag (isFirstAppearance) to ensure data is loaded only on the initial appearance of the view.
* A: WeightBarWidget
- WeightBarFeature
- WeightDiffBarChart
* A: Displaying correct data passed to the list
* B: Write Step & Weight Data to HealthKit
* C: Save and reload data
- Add delegate enum to handle events related to `AddMetricDataFeature`.
* A: Add scope and refreshable
- add Refreshable to DashboardFeature
- refactor StepPieWidgetFeature
- refactor StepWidgetFeature
- refactor WeightDiffWidgetFeature
- refactor WeightGoalWidgetFeature
* B: ChartGroupBoxHeader View
- create new view and cleanup the code
* C: ChartContent
- WeightGoalWidgetView+ChartContent
- WeightDiffWidget+ChartContent
- StepWidget+ChartContent
- StepPieWidget+ChartContent
* A: PersonDataFeature (parent)
* B: WeightAndGoal
- Change to `Records` tab
- WeightGoalFeature
- CurrentWightFeature
- SetWeightGoalFeature
- Basic navigation in WeightAndGoal
* C: CurrentWeight
- Pass the date through the feature to handle time-specific data.
- Implement a service to manage weight goals effectively.
- Design and develop the user interface.
* D: WeightGoalView
- Design and develop the user interface.
* E: Refactor UI
- Created reusable components for improved modularity and code maintainability.
* F: Open permission screen
- open permission screen when no data available in current weight widget
* A: Create SwiftData manager and add CurrentWeightEntity
- create SwiftDataManager
- add to Factory
- create first model
* B: Create RecordsRepository
- Added `RecordsRepository` to handle data persistence and operations related to SwiftData.
- Organized and cleaned up folder structure to improve project maintainability.
* C: Integrate Save Action and Fetch
- Connect Save Action in SetWeightGoalFeature:
- Update WeightGoalFeature to Fetch Latest Data
* D: WeightGoalWidgetFeature
- Add functionality to display user’s weight goal on the chart after setting it
- Fixed the bug where the HealthPermission sheet was not appearing (introduced during refactoring).
- Added a ContentUnavailableView with a button to fetch mock data.
* A: Refactored state and action logic in DashboardFeature using ViewState
- add view state to first view `Dashboard Feature`
- differentiate behavior for simulator and physical device after HealthKit authorization
* A: WeightLiftingStats Feature
- create basic WeightLiftingStatsFeature
* B: Create basic container for UI and Navigation
- organized files into appropriate folders
- create new basic WeightLiftingGoalsFeature
- navigate to empty WeightLiftingGoalsFeature
* C: WeightLifting widget body content
- generate mock data for display in the view.
* D: CleanUp
- extract dummy data generation to mock module
- create empty repo for WeightLifting
- clean up WeightLiftingStats feature
* E: WeightLiftingGoalsContent
- small UI improvements
* A: SetEditGoalFeature
- implemented `SetEditGoalFeature` to manage the goal-setting flow for weightlifting exercises.
- designed and built the user interface for setting and editing weightlifting goals.
- improve navigation flow for deeper feature exploration
- added button for recording training results
* B: Navigation in WeightLiftingGoalsView
- Working on the navigation flow from WeightLiftingGoalsView to ExerciseDetailsFeature.
- Refining state handling and deep-linking between views.
- improve navigation flow
* C: Views Presentation
- work in progress on view presentation format
- refining the structure and content of views
- using hardcoded values as placeholders for now
- add `AddMeasurementFeature` and assigned its execution to a button
* D: AddMeasurementFeature UI
- Added state properties for specific movement types: weightlifting, strength, fitness, cross, hero
- create and connect all picker in AddMeasurementFeature
- clean up the files
- early validation of input fields