My name is Sebastiaan Zeeff. I am a passionate Python developer and owner of Python Discord, an international Python Community with over 150,000 members. I've been writing code for most of my life in languages such as Python, R, JavaScript, C++, and Rust.
In my free time, I maintain and oversee several open source projects, including Async RedisCache, GitHub Actions Status Embed for Discord and several projects hosted on the Python Discord GitHub Organization. I've also contributed to various other open source projects.
Right now, I'm diving into the wonderful world of GitHub Actions and CI/CD, learning Kubernetes, and overall pushing myself to learn more about full stack development and writing smart algorithms.
I'm also deeply involved in Python Discord, where we try to provide fertile grounds for Python enthusiasts to learn the language or deepen their understanding by discussing the finer nuances of the language. With a volunteer staff of nearly 100 individuals from around the world, managing the organization of such a beautiful community is a truly amazing experience.