A socail news web application for the Viking community to share posts and comments with other Vikings.
- Social news feed with posts by users.
- Posts can be edited, commented on and voted up or down.
- Comments can also be commented on and voted up or down.
- User and posts indexes for quick viewing of posts and users accounts.
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongo.DB
- Mongoose
- Bluebird
- Postgres
- Handlebars
- md5
Development will require Node.js, NPM, and MongoDB installed on your local machine.
- Clone & Fork repo.
- run 'npm install' in the root directory.
- run 'npm run seed' in the root directory.
- run 'npm start' in the root directory.
- Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Displaying comment counts on posts to track user interest.
- Enable news-feed route to show the most popular posts with the most comments.
- Flash messages to communicate success and failure of operations to the user, when CRUDing posts, comments and voting.