Haptic Shoe Controller Software
- Download VSCode
- Install the PlattformIO extension (with the build-in extension manager of VSCode)
- Clone this repository
- Open it with VSCode
- Open the PlattformIO tab in VSCode and add it as PlattformIO project
Right now the only one you need to install is "RunningMedian". You can use the build-in library manager of PlattformIO
Connect the Shoe to your PC and open up a serial terminal (baudrate should be 115200) (I'm using the one that's included inside the Arduino IDE)
All commands have to end with /n (though you don't have to add it manually since most terminals automatically add it at the end of the line)
Here is a list of the currently available commands:
- 0,granularity,frequency(in Hz),amplitude(0-127),duration(milliseconds) : basic mode e.g.: 0,4,200,80,100
- 1,0 : Calibrate max weight
- 2,0 : Calibrate min weight
- 3,0 : Output sensor values
- 4,0 : Stop outputting sensor values
- 5,frequency(in Hz),amplitude(0-127),duration(milliseconds) : just play a tone e.g.: 0,200,80,100
If you intend to use the Shoes for a longer time I recommend you to set the volume to something lower then 100 (they do get quite hot if you use it at full volume)