Players buy any of 64 squares (or several), after a while the smart contract sets a win amount for each square.
To create a lottery smart contract, use the script new-casino.fif <workchain-id> <contract-id> [<filename-base>]
To start a new game, use new-game.fif <filename-base> <contract-id> <seqno> <square-price> <game-time> [<savefile>]
- <filename-base> - you lottery <filename-base>.addr and <filename-base>.pk
- <square-price> - price per square
- <game-time> - game time in seconds
Warning! Make sure that the balance of the contract has at least <square-price> * 116 grams
To buy squares, use buy-squares.fif <filename-base> <game-addr> <seqno> <square-price> <n> <square-1> <square-2> ... <square-n> [-S <savefile>]
- <filename-base> - you wallet <filename-base>.addr and <filename-base>.pk
- <game-addr> - lottery contract address
- <square-price> - price per square
- <n> - amount of squares to buy, followed by a listing of the numbers of the desired squares
After the game has expired, as well as an additional 60 seconds, the game must be completed. Use game-end.fif <game-addr> [-S <savefile>]
- <game-addr> - lottery contract address
To send grams from the balance of the contract, use sendgrams.fif <filename-base> <dest-addr> <contract-id> <seqno> <amount>
- <filename-base> - you lottery <filename-base>.addr and <filename-base>.pk
- <dest-addr> - address of the recipient
- <amount> - amount to be sent
- Random 256 bit integer generated
- The number is divided by 64 4-bit integers [x0, x1, x2 ... x63]
- Each square corresponds to an integer xi
- The size of the prize per square is determined by the formula: x3 / 1300 * p, where p is the price of the square
a square is also determined which will receive an additional 10 * p grams:
- Find the sum of all indices: s = x0 + x1 + x2 ... + x63
- Winner square number is 63 - (s & 63)
Оn average, 85% of investments are returned to players, the rest is received by the lottery owner