- MODSOURMAN-694 Improve sql query for retrieving job execution sourcechunks
- MODSOURMAN-695 Upgrade RMB and Vertx versions that contain fixes for the connection pool
- MODINVOICE-356 Fix progress bar stuck behaviour after the RecordTooLargeException
- MODSOURMAN-624 Failed to handle DI_ERROR when 004 is invalid in MARC Holdings
- MODSOURMAN-614 Authority: Add mapping rule for note types
- MODSOURMAN-577 Optimistic locking: mod-source-record-manager modifications
- MODSOURMAN-573 Create mapping rules for AUTHORITY records
- MODDICORE-184 Update the MARC-Instance field mapping for InstanceType (336$a and $b)
- MODSOURMAN-590 Save AUTHORITY rules to database
- MODSOURMAN-595 "View all" and "Load more" buttons do not load all logs in Data Import
- MODSOURMAN-570 Edit MARC Authorities via quickMARC | Handle events properly to Authorities
- MODSOURMAN-594 Cannot build journal record when entity is empty
- MODSOURMAN-228 Update the MARC-to-Instance mapping documentation
- MODSOURMAN-605 Authority: update rules for name-title fields/properties
- MODSOURMAN-619 Add an Authority info for Import Log for record page
- MODSOURMAN-623 Generate IDs for Inventory authority
- MODSOURMAN-598 Properly handle DB failures during events processing
- MODDATAIMP-491 Improve logging to be able to trace the path of each record and file_chunks
- MODDATAIMP-621 Fix saving of default mapping rules
- MODDATAIMP-641 Fix NPE exception and fix the main reason of NPE (recordId = null).
- MODSOURMAN-645 Update permissions related to Authority
- MODSOURMAN-625 Invoice log detail sort by Record column in Data Import detail log not working properly
- MODSOURMAN-432 Create job execution requires user with "personal" information
- MODSOURMAN-656 Support Update MARC Authority Action
- MODSOURMAN-638 Remove Kafka cache for StoreRecordsChunksKafkaHandler
- MODSOURMAN-664 Remove Kafka cache for QuickMarcUpdateKafkaHandler
- MODSOURMAN-639 Improve performance of saving journal records during import
- MODSOURMAN-640 Remove Kafka cache for DataImportJournalKafkaHandler
- MODSOURMAN-641 Remove Kafka cache by handling Constraint Violation Exceptions
- MODDATAIMP-623 Remove Kafka cache initialization and Maven dependency
- MODSOURMAN-668 Restructure job_execution_progress table for DataImportKafkaHandler
- MODSOURMAN-675 Data Import handles repeated 020 $a:s in an unexpected manner when creating Instance Identifiers
- MODSOURMAN-676 Provide Instance UUID for populating Inventory hotlinks for holdings/items
- MODSOURMAN-682 Consume Authority log event
- MODSOURMAN-699 Fix Can`t map 'RECORD' or/and 'MARC_BIBLIOGRAPHIC' statements from logs
- MODSOURMAN-714 Legacy 999 (non-ff) fields cause data import failure
- MODSOURMAN-706 Error loading MappingParametersSnapshot
- MODSOURMAN-688 Update folio-kafka-wrapper to v2.4.3 to allow adding ENV prefix to events_cache Kafka topic KAFKAWRAP-19
- MODSOURMAN-647 Failed to handle DI_ERROR when 004 is invalid in MARC Holdings
- MODSOURMAN-646 Log4j vulnerability correction
- MODSOURMAN-621 Fix saving of default mapping rules
- MODSOURMAN-594 Cannot build journal record when entity non match
##2021-11-10 v3.2.4
- MODSOURMAN-595 "View all" and "Load more" buttons do not load all logs in Data Import
- MODSOURMAN-522 Fix the effect of DI_ERROR messages when trying to duplicate records on the import job progress bar
- MODDICORE-184 Update the MARC-Instance field mapping for InstanceType (336$a and $b)
- Updated data-import-processing-core to v3.2.2
- MODSOURMAN-586 Adjust mapping metadata snapshots creation
- MODSOURMAN-583 Schema name can't replace in snippet (schema.json)
- MODSOURMAN-516 Send QM_COMPLETED event after processing finished
- MODSOURMAN-517 Change quickMarc producers not to close after message sent
- MODSOURMAN-524 Support MARC Holdings
- MODSOURMAN-533 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 33.x
- Improved logging
- Apply new version of clients generated by mod-data-import-converter-storage with updated Raml version
- KAFKAWRAP-5 Add mechanism for detection and logging inability to create/connect Kafka consumers.
- MODSOURMAN-550 Reduce BE response payload for DI Landing Page to increase performance
- MODSOURMAN-540 Add default mapping profile for MARC holdings
- MODSOURMAN-541 Update existing CLI endpoint GET /mapping-rules to support MARC Holdings default rules
- MODSOURMAN-542 Update existing CLI endpoint PUT /mapping-rules to support MARC Holdings default rules
- MODSOURMAN-543 Update existing CLI endpoint PUT /mapping-rules/restore to support MARC Holdings default rules
- MODSOURMAN-547 Update cache for mapping-rules to support MARC Holdings default rules
- MODSOURMAN-553 Update GET /change-manager/parsedRecords to have externalId param
- MODSOURMAN-526 Verify persist value in DB during parsing 004 field
- MODSOURMAN-544 Validate MARC Holdings 004 field from MARC Bib HRID
- MODSOURMAN-546 Support edit Holdings via quickMarc
- MODSOURMAN-464 Store snapshots of MappingRules and MappingParams to the database
- MODSOURMAN-563 Add MARC-Instance field mapping for Cancelled system control number
- MODSOURMAN-465 Remove MappingRules, MappingParams, and JobProfileSnapshot from the event payload
- MODSOURMAN-466 Remove zipping mechanism for data import event payloads
- MODDICORE-172 Add MARC-Instance field mapping for New identifier types
- MODDICORE-166 Near the day boundary data import calculates today incorrectly.
- MODSOURMAN-535 Data import can't retrieve location with code "olin".
- MODPUBSUB-187 Add support for max.request.size configuration for Kafka messages
- Update data-import-processing-core dependency to v3.1.4
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper dependency to v3.1.4
- MODSOURMAN-513 (Juniper) Data import stopped process before finishing: deadlock for "job_monitoring"
- MODSOURMAN-508 Log details for Inventory single record imports for Overlays
- MODSOURMAN-527 Cannot import EDIFACT invoices
- Update data-import-processing-core dependency to v3.1.3
- MODSOURMAN-497 Apply MarcRecordAnalyzer to determine MARC related specific type
- MODSOURMAN-501 Change dataType to have have common type for MARC related subtypes
- Update data-import-processing-core dependency to v3.1.2
- MODSOURMAN-411 Dynamically define the payload of DI event depending on MARC record type (Bib, Authority, Holding)
- MODSOURMAN-448 Update default field mapping for 647 field
- MODSOURMAN-453 Add index for the "job_execution_source_chunks"
- MODSOURMAN-461 Data Import fails (no details about cause of failure in ui/log)
- MODSOURMAN-471 Migrate QM-flow to Kafka
- MODSOURMAN-480 Create jobs with match profiles that include records with 999 fields cause errors in the srs-instance relationship
- MODSOURMAN-477 Store MARC Authority record
- MODSOURMAN-458 Support monitoring table creation and data insertion
- MODSOURMAN-460 Implement watchdog timer to monitor table
- MODSOURMAN-485 Update interface version
- MODSOURCE-301 Cannot import GOBI EDIFACT invoice
- MODSOURMAN-454 Excessive CPU usage in a system with no user activity
- MODSOURMAN-456 Ignore event that is not supposed to be saved to data import journal
- MODSOURMAN-458 Support monitoring table creation and data insertion
- MODSOURMAN-460 Implement watchdog timer to monitor table
- MODSOURMAN-480 Create jobs with match profiles that include records with 999 fields cause errors in the srs-instance relationship
- MODSOURMAN-457 Issue with Database migration for Iris release
- MODSOURCE-278 Move logging of the records creation information to the handler receiving saved records
- MODSOURCE-295 Set instanceHrid to externalIdsHolder when 999ff$i is present
- MODSOURMAN-420 Expand endpoint for retrieving recordProcessingLogDto to provide data for Invoice JSON screen
- MODSOURMAN-437 Add logging for event correlationId
- MODSOURMAN-442 Add indices for the job_executions table in srm
- MODSOURMAN-441 Update QM-event with user context
##2021-04-14 v3.0.4
- MODSOURMAN-436 Slow Query Invoked on DI Home Page
- MODSOURMAN-419 SQL Exception WRT count function
- MODSOURMAN-428 Ensure exactly one delivery approach for handler receiving stored records
- MODSOURMAN-430 Ensure exactly one delivery approach for for data import log handler
- MODSOURMAN-429 Add permission to /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/jobProfile
- MODSOURMAN-421 Syntax problem for 561 field in default mapping rules
- MODSOURMAN-422 Add record sequence number for records posted direct via API if it is not set
- MODDATAIMP-388 Import job is not completed on file parsing error
- MODSOURMAN-338 Change chunk processing to use kafka
- MODSOURCE-177 Use kafka to save chunks of parsed records in SRS
- MODSOURMAN-380 Expand journalRecord entity with "title" property
- MODSOURMAN-385 Enable OCLC update processing
- MODSOURMAN-381 Add endpoint to retrieve a list of jobLogEntryDto
- MODSOURMAN-382 Fill title from marc record into journalRecord entity
- MODSOURMAN-383 Implement endpoint to retrieve a recordProcessingLogDto.
- MODDICORE-114 Add MARC-Instance default mappings for 880 fields .
- MODDSOURMAN-377 Update 5xx Notes mappings to indicate staff only for some notes.
- MODDSOURMAN-402 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 32.x.
- MODDSOURMAN-409 Make tenant API asynchronous.
- MODDSOURMAN-395 Add personal data disclosure form.
- MODSOURMAN-384 Implement writing entities processing information to the log
- MODSOURCE-248 Incoming MARC Bib with 003, but no 001 should not create an 035[BUGFIX]
- MODSOURMAN-410 Expand data import log functionality for EDIFACT records.
- MODSOURMAN-414 Add record sequence number to the summary log screen for OCLC single record imports
- MODDATAIMP-370 OCLC single record import: Updates don't work, and the Create action uses the wrong job profile
- MODSOURCE-213 MARC updates for selected fields is not working
- MODSOURMAN-374 Fixed permissions for stuck job deletion interface
- MODSOURMAN-362 Mark job status with error when at least one record has not been parsed
- MODSOURMAN-339 Disable CQL2PgJSON & CQLWrapper extra logging in mod-source-record-manager
- MODSOURMAN-369 Upgrade to RMB v31.1.5
- MODSOURMAN-363 Fix permissions issues
- Update mod-pubsub-client to v1.3.1
- MODSOURMAN-344 Fixed default MARC Bib-Instance mapping for 024 and 028 fields
- MODSOURMAN-340 MARC field sort into numerical order when record is imported
- MODSOURMAN-345 003 handling in SRS for MARC Bib records: Create
- MODSOURMAN-346 Load MARC field protection settings to Mapping params
- MODDATAIMP-324 Update all Data-Import modules to the new RMB version
- MODINV-296 Added support for journalRecord saving on protected item status update
- MODSOURMAN-361 Add capability to remove jobs that are stuck
- MODSOURMAN-322 Add source-record states storing mechanism for QM edit workflow
- MODSOURMAN-333 Replace incoming 999 ff fields if file is re-imported
- MODSOURMAN-329 Set completed date on error status update for JobExecution
- MODSOURMAN-325 Update SRS client requests for v4
- MODSOURMAN-324 Hardcode JobProfile for importing records using CLI tool.
- MODSOURMAN-276 Create an endpoint for retrieving MARC record by instance id
- MODSOURMAN-268 Implement endpoint for updating MARC record by id
- MODDATAIMP-300 Updated marc4j version to 2.9.1
- MODDICORE-41 Update mapping for Preceding/Succeeding Titles
- MODSOURMAN-310 Added definition that jsonSchemas api doesn't require any permissions
- MODSOURMAN-311 JobExecution duplicates for Cornell file [BUGFIX]
- MODDICORE-50 Fixed placement of newly-created 035 field
- MODSOURMAN-275 Remove preview area's sample data
- MODSOURMAN-318 Remove hardcoded diku tenant in db schema.json
- Updated reference to raml-storage
- MODSOURMAN-321 Change response status to 202 on parsed record update
- MODSOURMAN-314 Upgrade to RMB 30.0.2
- MODSOURMAN-303 Add actual state on creating record
- MODSOURMAN-298 Added migration script to support RMB version update
- MODDICORE-43 SRS MARC Bib: Fix formatting of 035 field constructed from incoming 001
- MODSOURMAN-307 Progress for Cornell file duplicates and the job hangs
- MODSOURMAN-296 Added filling connection parameters to the data import event payload
- Updated dependency onn data-import-processing-core library
- Updated mapping for instance type ID and instance format ID
- Fixed duplicate languages in instance mapping
- Updated dependency on data-import-processing-core library
- Added get journalRecords endpoint
- Incremented RMB version
- MatchedId filled in with the same value as recordId
- Exposed json schemas api
- Added module registration as publisher/subscriber to mod-pubsub
- Added mode of issuance mapping mechanism
- Updated mapping for instance identifier types and unspecified instance type
- Added JobExecutionProgress service
- Added defaultMapping query param to choose between default mapping and application of JobProfiles
- New endpoint for saving results of instance creation to journal was added
- Implemented endpoint to handle DI_COMPLETED and DI_ERROR events.
GET | /metadata-provider/journalRecords/{jobExecutionId} | Get list of the JournalRecords by jobExecution id |
POST | /change-manager/handlers/created-inventory-instance | Handle event about created inventory instance |
POST | /change-manager/handlers/processing-result | Handle DI_COMPLETED and DI_ERROR events |
- Added HrId handling on records parsing and after instance creation
- Fixed MARC-Instance mapping for 260/264 $c
- Using "unspecified" instance type(008) instead of stub value if no 336 field in MARC record
- Added table schema for journal service
- Implemented journal service
- Added get JobExecutionLogDto endpoint
- Applied new JVM features to manage container memory
- Updated instance subject headings to include MARC 655 field
- Updated RuleProcessor documentation
- Wrote documentation for Marc-to-Instance mapping processor
- Added order of the record in importing file
- Create CLI way for individual tenant to update the default MARC-to-Instance map
- Fixed sorting and filtering of logs
- Deleted jobExecutionDto and logDto entities.
- Response body for endpoint "/metadata-provider/jobExecutions" changed to JobExecutionCollection.
- Deleted endpoint for logs retrieving: "/metadata-provider/logs";
- Updated mapping for "Uniform title" instance alternative title type
- Added loading sample data by "loadSample" tenant parameter.
- Provided cql query support for sorting numeric data
- Broken down source-record-manager interface into smaller ones: source-manager-job-executions, source-manager-records.
- Changed 'hrId' field type to integer for jobExecution
GET | /metadata-provider/jobExecutions | Get list of the JobExecutions by query |
POST | /change-manager/jobExecutions | Initialize JobExecution entities |
GET | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id} | Get single JobExecution entity |
PUT | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/status | Update status of JobExecution by id |
PUT | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/jobProfile | Update jobProfile of single JobExecution entity |
GET | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/children | Get children JobExecutions by parent id |
POST | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/records | Receive chunk of raw records for JobExecution |
DELETE | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/records | Delete Job Execution and all associated records from SRS |
GET | /mapping-rules | Get current mapping rules |
PUT | /mapping-rules | Update current mapping rules |
PUT | /mapping-rules/restore | Restore default mapping rules |
- Added instance-type settings loading for mapping
- Added electronic access relationships loading for mapping
- Added classification settings loading for mapping
- Added instance-format settings loading for mapping
- Added contributor name types setting loading for mapping
- Added contributor types setting loading for mapping, simple mapping for primary sign and name
- Added mapping for contributor type free text
- Added instance-type identifiers settings loading for mapping
- Applied caching for external mapping parameters
- Added instance note types settings loading for mapping
- Progress mechanism was updated
- Changed RawRecordsDto schema with extended metadata information
- Changed relations between UI and Backend statuses for job executions
- Deleted stub data for job executions
- Updated Instance schema
- Removed partial success handling from SRS batch responses
- Filtered out invalid Instances before saving to inventory
- Added delete endpoint for job execution and all associated records from SRS
- Added total records number to logDto
- Changed logic of adding fields to MARC record resulting in update of leader value
- Rule Processor integrated with Settings (mod-inventory-storage)
- Filled in "fromModuleVersion" value for each "tables" and "scripts" section in schema.json
DELETE | /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/records | Delete Job Execution and all associated records from SRS |
- Changed implementation for Job Execution human-readable id using DB sequence
- JobExecution marked as Error if processing of at least one chunk failed
- Updated Record-to-Instance mapping rules and Instance schema in accordance with breaking changes in mod-inventory
- Progress mechanism was updated
- Changed RawRecordsDto schema with extended metadata information
- Optimized Record-to-Instance mapping (framed rules into 'entity')
- Fixed mapping from Record to Instances
- Fixed check whether processing is completed for all chunks
- Added description for data-import flow
- Fixed issue with saving ErrorRecords
- Added batch update of ParsedRecords after assigning Instance id to MARC records
- Added support for records processing in XML format
- Applied parallel approach for mapping from records to instances
- Use batch post to send Instances to the mod-inventory
- MARC to Instance mapping was updated to the new one version
- Filled complete date and stub HrID for Job Execution
- Changed implementation for checking statuses for JobExecutionSourceChunk
- Applied bug fixes to build 999 fields
- Borrowed mapping of MARC to Instance logic from mod-data-loader. After parsing Records are mapped to Instances and saved in mod-inventory.
- Added support for records coming for processing in json format.
- Applied logic for expanding parsed MARC records with additional custom fields (999 field)
- Set required recordType field for the Record entity
- Removed deprecated IMPORT_IN_PROGRESS and IMPORT_FINISHED statuses for JobExecution
- Set stub data for runBy, progress ans startedDate fields for JobExecution entity
Renamed endpoints
Configured log4j2 for logging
Raw records MARC parser was added
PUT endpoint for update status and jobProfile for single JobExecution was added
Created ChunkProcessing Service
Added Spring DI support
Changed project structure to contain server and client parts. Client builds as a lightweight java library.
METHOD URL DESCRIPTION GET /metadata-provider/jobExecutions Get list of the JobExecutions DTO by query GET /metadata-provider/logs Get list of the Log entities by query POST /change-manager/jobExecutions Initialize JobExecution entities GET /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id} Get single JobExecution entity PUT /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/status Update status of JobExecution by id PUT /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/jobProfile Update jobProfile of single JobExecution entity GET /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/children Get children JobExecutions by parent id POST /change-manager/jobExecutions/{id}/records Receive chunk of raw records for JobExecution
Created ChangeManager component
Added API for managing JobExecution entities
METHOD URL DESCRIPTION GET /metadata-provider/jobExecutions Get list of the JobExecutions DTO by query GET /metadata-provider/logs Get list of the Log entities by query POST /change-manager/jobExecutions Initialize JobExecution entities PUT /change-manager/jobExecution/{id} Update JobExecution entity