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Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.


FOLIO source record manager module.


   mvn install

See that it says "BUILD SUCCESS" near the end.


Build the docker container with:

   docker build -t mod-source-record-manager .

Test that it runs with:

   docker run -t -i -p 8081:8081 mod-source-record-manager

Installing the module

Follow the guide of Deploying Modules sections of the Okapi Guide and Reference, which describe the process in detail.

First of all you need a running Okapi instance. (Note that specifying an explicit 'okapiurl' might be needed.)

   cd .../okapi
   java -jar okapi-core/target/okapi-core-fat.jar dev

We need to declare the module to Okapi:

curl -w '\n' -X POST -D -   \
   -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
   -d @target/ModuleDescriptor.json \

That ModuleDescriptor tells Okapi what the module is called, what services it provides, and how to deploy it.

Deploying the module

Next we need to deploy the module. There is a deployment descriptor in target/DeploymentDescriptor.json. It tells Okapi to start the module on 'localhost'.

Deploy it via Okapi discovery:

curl -w '\n' -D - -s \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d @target/DeploymentDescriptor.json  \

Then we need to enable the module for the tenant:

curl -w '\n' -X POST -D -   \
    -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
    -d @target/TenantModuleDescriptor.json \

Interaction with Kafka

There are several properties that should be set for modules that interact with Kafka: KAFKA_HOST, KAFKA_PORT, OKAPI_URL, ENV(unique env ID). After setup, it is good to check logs in all related modules for errors. Data import consumers and producers work in separate verticles that are set up in RMB's InitAPI for each module. That would be the first place to check deploy/install logs.

System properties that can be adjusted for this module and default values:

  • Relevant from the Iris release, module versions from 3.0.0:
    • "srm.kafka.RawMarcChunkConsumer.instancesNumber": 5
    • "srm.kafka.StoredMarcChunkConsumer.instancesNumber": 5
    • "srm.kafka.DataImportConsumersVerticle.instancesNumber": 5
    • "srm.kafka.DataImportJournalConsumersVerticle.instancesNumber": 5
    • "srm.kafka.RawChunksKafkaHandler.maxDistributionNum": 100
    • "srm.kafka.CreatedRecordsKafkaHandler.maxDistributionNum": 100
    • "srm.kafka.DataImportConsumer.loadLimit": 5
  • Relevant from the Juniper release, module versions from 3.1.0:
    • "srm.kafka.JobMonitoringWatchdogVerticle.instancesNumber": 1
    • "srm.kafka.QuickMarcUpdateConsumersVerticle.instancesNumber": 5
    • "srm.kafka.QuickMarcUpdateKafkaHandler.maxDistributionNum": 100
  • Relevant from the Iris release(module version from 3.0.0) to Kiwi release(module version from 3.2.0):
    • "kafkacache.topic.number.partitions": 1
    • "kafkacache.topic.replication.factor": 1
    • "": 18000000
    • "kafkacache.topic": events_cache
    • "": 3600000
    • "srm.kafkacache.expiration.time.hours": 3


From v 3.1.3 there is a new property which defines limit for retrieving data to fill mapping parameters for the data-import mechanism: "srm.mapping.parameters.settings.limit:1000"

REST Client

Provides RMB generated Client to call the module's endpoints. The Client is packaged into the lightweight jar.

Maven dependency


Where x.y.z - version of mod-source-record-manager.


ChangeManagerClient is generated by RMB and provides methods for all endpoints described in the RAML file

    // create client object with okapi url, tenant id and token
    ChangeManagerClient client = new ChangeManagerClient("localhost", "diku", "token");

Clients methods work with RMB generated data classes based on json schemas. mod-source-record-manager-client jar contains only generated by RMB DTOs and clients.

Example of sending a request to the mod-source-record-manager

    // send request to mod-source-record-manager
    client.getChangeManagerJobExecutionsById("334508c6-e85d-407b-971d-a59f790cba30", null, response->{
      // processing response
      if (response.statusCode() == 200){
        System.out.println("Call is successful");

Issue tracker

See project MODSOURMAN at the FOLIO issue tracker.

Data import workflow

There are two ways to import records into source-record-storage via source-record-manager.

  • Using UI application - user has to upload file and start file processing, mod-data-import provides API for this functionality, see FileUploadApi and File processing API.
  • Using CLI tools - Postman, curl, SoapUI. This option is preferable if user wants to process records directly without uploading files, and mod-source-record-manager provides API for this.

To import records using CLI tools one has to follow steps below:

  1. Create JobExecution containing: sourceType="ONLINE" "userId".
  2. Set JobProfile to JobExecution to trigger building of the JobProfileSnapshot
  3. Send RawRecordsDto containing records list and field last=false.
  4. Complete data import by sending last RawRecordsDto containing empty records list, field last=true and total number of records in field "counter".

NOTE: Jobs with imported records directly via API will show up in the Data Import log without a file name.

Create JobExecution

Parsing records starts from creating Job Execution. Send POST request with InitJobExecutionsRqDto.

curl -w '\n' -X POST -D -   \
   -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
   -H "x-okapi-tenant: diku"  \
   -H "x-okapi-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWt1X2FkbWluIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjQwZDFiZDcxLWVhN2QtNTk4Ny1iZTEwLTEyOGUzODJiZDMwNyIsImNhY2hlX2tleSI6IjMyYTJhNDQ3LWE4MzQtNDE1Ni1iYmZjLTk4YTEyZWVhNzliMyIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzkyMzI2NSwidGVuYW50IjoiZGlrdSJ9.AgPDmXIOsudFB_ugWYvJCdyqq-1AQpsRWLNt9EvzCy0" \
   -d @initJobExecutionsRqDto.json \
  "sourceType": "ONLINE",
  "userId": "a0086f7e-61b6-5c2d-9e1b-b268063a44b3"
Response with JobExecution entity
  "parentJobExecutionId": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
  "jobExecutions": [
      "id": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
      "hrId": 88,
      "parentJobId": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
      "subordinationType": "PARENT_SINGLE",
      "jobProfileInfo": {
        "id": "e34d7b92-9b83-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003",
        "name": "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib",
        "dataType": "MARC_BIB"
      "runBy": {
        "firstName": "DIKU",
        "lastName": "ADMINISTRATOR"
      "progress": {
        "current": 1,
        "total": 100
      "startedDate": "2021-02-24T08:30:08.709+0000",
      "status": "NEW",
      "uiStatus": "INITIALIZATION",
      "userId": "a0086f7e-61b6-5c2d-9e1b-b268063a44b3"

Set JobProfile to JobExecution

Send PUT request with JobProfile info to /change-manager/jobExecutions/{jobExecutionId}/jobProfile

curl -w '\n' -X POST -D -   \
   -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
   -H "x-okapi-tenant: diku"  \
   -H "x-okapi-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWt1X2FkbWluIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjQwZDFiZDcxLWVhN2QtNTk4Ny1iZTEwLTEyOGUzODJiZDMwNyIsImNhY2hlX2tleSI6IjMyYTJhNDQ3LWE4MzQtNDE1Ni1iYmZjLTk4YTEyZWVhNzliMyIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzkyMzI2NSwidGVuYW50IjoiZGlrdSJ9.AgPDmXIOsudFB_ugWYvJCdyqq-1AQpsRWLNt9EvzCy0" \
   -d @jobProfileInfo.json \
  "id": "e34d7b92-9b83-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003",
  "name": "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib",
  "dataType": "MARC_BIB"

Response body will contain jobProfileSnapshotWrapper

Post records to parsing

To initiate records parsing one should send POST request containing RawRecordsDto, which contains raw records list ("initialRecords" field) to /change-manager/jobExecutions/{jobExecutionId}/records The list of records can contain records in different formats for example: "MARC_RAW", "MARC_JSON", "MARC_XML".
{jobExecutionId} - JobExecution id, which can be retrieved from response of previous request.

curl -w '\n' -X POST -D -   \
   -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
   -H "Accept: text/plain, application/json"   \
   -H "x-okapi-tenant: diku"  \
   -H "x-okapi-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWt1X2FkbWluIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjQwZDFiZDcxLWVhN2QtNTk4Ny1iZTEwLTEyOGUzODJiZDMwNyIsImNhY2hlX2tleSI6IjMyYTJhNDQ3LWE4MzQtNDE1Ni1iYmZjLTk4YTEyZWVhNzliMyIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzkyMzI2NSwidGVuYW50IjoiZGlrdSJ9.AgPDmXIOsudFB_ugWYvJCdyqq-1AQpsRWLNt9EvzCy0" \
   -d @rawRecordsDto.json \
example of rawRecordsDto.json to parse marc records in raw format
  "id": "22fafcc3-f582-493d-88b0-3c538480cd83" // for each chunk we need to have and unique uuid
  "recordsMetadata": {
    "last": false,
    "counter": 3,
    "total": 3
  "initialRecords": [ 
    "record": "01240cas a2200397   4500001000700000005001700007008004100024010001700065022001400082035002600096035002200122035001100144035001900155040004400174050001500218082001100233222004200244245004300286260004700329265003800376300001500414310002200429321002500451362002300476570002900499650003300528650004500561655004200606700004500648853001800693863002300711902001600734905002100750948003700771950003400808\u001E366832\u001E20141106221425.0\u001E750907c19509999enkqr p       0   a0eng d\u001E  \u001Fa   58020553 \u001E  \u001Fa0022-0469\u001E  \u001Fa(CStRLIN)NYCX1604275S\u001E  \u001Fa(NIC)notisABP6388\u001E  \u001Fa366832\u001E  \u001Fa(OCoLC)1604275\u001E  \u001FdCtY\u001FdMBTI\u001FdCtY\u001FdMBTI\u001FdNIC\u001FdCStRLIN\u001FdNIC\u001E0 \u001FaBR140\u001Fb.J6\u001E  \u001Fa270.05\u001E04\u001FaThe Journal of ecclesiastical history\u001E04\u001FaThe Journal of ecclesiastical history.\u001E  \u001FaLondon,\u001FbCambridge University Press [etc.]\u001E  \u001Fa32 East 57th St., New York, 10022\u001E  \u001Fav.\u001Fb25 cm.\u001E  \u001FaQuarterly,\u001Fb1970-\u001E  \u001FaSemiannual,\u001Fb1950-69\u001E0 \u001Fav. 1-   Apr. 1950-\u001E  \u001FaEditor:   C. W. Dugmore.\u001E 0\u001FaChurch history\u001FxPeriodicals.\u001E 7\u001FaChurch history\u001F2fast\u001F0(OCoLC)fst00860740\u001E 7\u001FaPeriodicals\u001F2fast\u001F0(OCoLC)fst01411641\u001E1 \u001FaDugmore, C. W.\u001Fq(Clifford William),\u001Feed.\u001E03\u001F81\u001Fav.\u001Fi(year)\u001E40\u001F81\u001Fa1-49\u001Fi1950-1998\u001E  \u001Fapfnd\u001FbLintz\u001E  \u001Fa19890510120000.0\u001E2 \u001Fa20141106\u001Fbm\u001Fdbatch\u001Felts\u001Fxaddfast\u001E  \u001FlOLIN\u001FaBR140\u001Fb.J86\u001Fh01/01/01 N\u001E\u001D01542ccm a2200361   "
    "record": "01240cas a2200397   4500001000700000005001700007008004100024010001700065022001400082035002600096035002200122035001100144035001900155040004400174050001500218082001100233222004200244245004300286260004700329265003800376300001500414310002200429321002500451362002300476570002900499650003300528650004500561655004200606700004500648853001800693863002300711902001600734905002100750948003700771950003400808\u001E366832\u001E20141106221425.0\u001E750907c19509999enkqr p       0   a0eng d\u001E  \u001Fa   58020553 \u001E  \u001Fa0022-0469\u001E  \u001Fa(CStRLIN)NYCX1604275S\u001E  \u001Fa(NIC)notisABP6388\u001E  \u001Fa366832\u001E  \u001Fa(OCoLC)1604275\u001E  \u001FdCtY\u001FdMBTI\u001FdCtY\u001FdMBTI\u001FdNIC\u001FdCStRLIN\u001FdNIC\u001E0 \u001FaBR140\u001Fb.J6\u001E  \u001Fa270.05\u001E04\u001FaThe Journal of ecclesiastical history\u001E04\u001FaThe Journal of ecclesiastical history.\u001E  \u001FaLondon,\u001FbCambridge University Press [etc.]\u001E  \u001Fa32 East 57th St., New York, 10022\u001E  \u001Fav.\u001Fb25 cm.\u001E  \u001FaQuarterly,\u001Fb1970-\u001E  \u001FaSemiannual,\u001Fb1950-69\u001E0 \u001Fav. 1-   Apr. 1950-\u001E  \u001FaEditor:   C. W. Dugmore.\u001E 0\u001FaChurch history\u001FxPeriodicals.\u001E 7\u001FaChurch history\u001F2fast\u001F0(OCoLC)fst00860740\u001E 7\u001FaPeriodicals\u001F2fast\u001F0(OCoLC)fst01411641\u001E1 \u001FaDugmore, C. W.\u001Fq(Clifford William),\u001Feed.\u001E03\u001F81\u001Fav.\u001Fi(year)\u001E40\u001F81\u001Fa1-49\u001Fi1950-1998\u001E  \u001Fapfnd\u001FbLintz\u001E  \u001Fa19890510120000.0\u001E2 \u001Fa20141106\u001Fbm\u001Fdbatch\u001Felts\u001Fxaddfast\u001E  \u001FlOLIN\u001FaBR140\u001Fb.J86\u001Fh01/01/01 N\u001E\u001D01542ccm a2200361   "
    "record": "01240cas a2200397   4500001000700000005001700007008004100024010001700065022001400082035002600096035002200122035001100144035001900155040004400174050001500218082001100233222004200244245004300286260004700329265003800376300001500414310002200429321002500451362002300476570002900499650003300528650004500561655004200606700004500648853001800693863002300711902001600734905002100750948003700771950003400808\u001E366832\u001E20141106221425.0\u001E750907c19509999enkqr p       0   a0eng d\u001E  \u001Fa   58020553 \u001E  \u001Fa0022-0469\u001E  \u001Fa(CStRLIN)NYCX1604275S\u001E  \u001Fa(NIC)notisABP6388\u001E  \u001Fa366832\u001E  \u001Fa(OCoLC)1604275\u001E  \u001FdCtY\u001FdMBTI\u001FdCtY\u001FdMBTI\u001FdNIC\u001FdCStRLIN\u001FdNIC\u001E0 \u001FaBR140\u001Fb.J6\u001E  \u001Fa270.05\u001E04\u001FaThe Journal of ecclesiastical history\u001E04\u001FaThe Journal of ecclesiastical history.\u001E  \u001FaLondon,\u001FbCambridge University Press [etc.]\u001E  \u001Fa32 East 57th St., New York, 10022\u001E  \u001Fav.\u001Fb25 cm.\u001E  \u001FaQuarterly,\u001Fb1970-\u001E  \u001FaSemiannual,\u001Fb1950-69\u001E0 \u001Fav. 1-   Apr. 1950-\u001E  \u001FaEditor:   C. W. Dugmore.\u001E 0\u001FaChurch history\u001FxPeriodicals.\u001E 7\u001FaChurch history\u001F2fast\u001F0(OCoLC)fst00860740\u001E 7\u001FaPeriodicals\u001F2fast\u001F0(OCoLC)fst01411641\u001E1 \u001FaDugmore, C. W.\u001Fq(Clifford William),\u001Feed.\u001E03\u001F81\u001Fav.\u001Fi(year)\u001E40\u001F81\u001Fa1-49\u001Fi1950-1998\u001E  \u001Fapfnd\u001FbLintz\u001E  \u001Fa19890510120000.0\u001E2 \u001Fa20141106\u001Fbm\u001Fdbatch\u001Felts\u001Fxaddfast\u001E  \u001FlOLIN\u001FaBR140\u001Fb.J86\u001Fh01/01/01 N\u001E\u001D01542ccm a2200361   " 
example of rawRecordsDto.json to parse marc records in json format
 "id": "22fafcc3-f582-493d-88b0-3c538480cd83" // for each chunk we need to have and unique uuid
  "recordsMetadata": {
    "last": false,
    "counter": 1,
    "total": 1,
  "initialRecords": [
    "record": "{\"leader\": \"00648cam a2200193 a 4500\",\r\n    \"fields\": [\r\n      {\r\n        \"001\": \"FOLIOstorage\"\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"008\": \"960521s1972\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\se\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\0\\\\\\\\\\\\swe\\\\\\\\\"\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"041\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"1\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"swe\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"096\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"y\": \"Z\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"b\": \"TAp Chalmers tekniska h\u00F6gskola. Inst. f\u00F6r byggnadsstatik. Skrift. 1972:4\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"s\": \"g\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"100\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"1\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"Sahlin, Sven\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"245\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"0\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"0\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"P\u00E5lslagning\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"260\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"c\": \"1972\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"300\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"19 bl.\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"440\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"Skrift, Chalmers tekniska h\u00F6gskola, Institutionen f\u00F6r byggnadsstatik\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"x\": \"9903909802 ;\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"v\": \"72:4\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"907\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \".b11154585\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"b\": \"hbib \"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"c\": \"s\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"902\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"190206\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"998\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"b\": \"0\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"c\": \"990511\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"d\": \"m\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"e\": \"b  \"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"f\": \"s\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"g\": \"0\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"909\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"0\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"0\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"m\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"c\": \"a\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"d\": \"b\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      {\r\n        \"945\": {\r\n          \"ind1\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"ind2\": \"\\\\\",\r\n          \"subfields\": [\r\n            {\r\n              \"l\": \"hbib3\"\r\n            },\r\n            {\r\n              \"a\": \"TAp Chalmers tekniska h\u00F6gskola.Inst. f\u00F6r byggnadsstatik. Skrift 72:4\"\r\n            }\r\n          ]\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    ]\r\n  }"
example of rawRecordsDto.json to parse marc records in xml format
 "id": "22fafcc3-f582-493d-88b0-3c538480cd83" // for each chunk we need to have and unique uuid
  "recordsMetadata": {
    "last": false,
    "counter": 2,
    "total": 2,
  "initialRecords": [     
    "record":	"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <record xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/MARC21\/slim\">\r\n    <leader>01731cas a2200469 a 4500<\/leader>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"001\">2672432<\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"005\">20151103060938.0<\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"006\">m        d        <\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"007\">cf mn---------<\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"008\">060411c19919999cautr pss     0    0eng d<\/controlfield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"010\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">  2006263262<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"022\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"y\">1071-0892<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"035\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">(OCoLC)ocm72550951<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"037\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">Conservation, Getty Conservation Institute, 4503 Glencoe Ave., Marina del Rey, CA 90292<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"040\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">TXA<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">TXA<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">UtOrBLW<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"042\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">lcd<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"043\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">n-us-ca<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"049\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">TXAM<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"050\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"4\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">CC135<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">.C577 Electronic<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"130\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Conservation (Marina del Rey, Calif. : Online)<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"245\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Conservation :<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">the GCI newsletter.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"246\" ind1=\"3\" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">GCI newsletter<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"264\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"1\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Marina del Rey, Calif. :<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">Getty Conservation Institute,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">[1991]-<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"310\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Three no. a year<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"336\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">text<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">txt<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"2\">rdacontent<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"337\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">computer<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">c<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"2\">rdamedia<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"338\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">computer tape cassette<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">cf<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"2\">rdacarrier<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"362\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Vol. 6, no. 1 (fall 1991)-<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Title from issue cover image (publisher's site, viewed Oct. 11, 2006).<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Latest issue consulted: Volume 21, number 2 (2006) (viewed Oct. 11, 2006).<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Electronic resource.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"515\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Vol. 6 complete in one issue.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"530\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Also issued in print.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"538\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Mode of access: World Wide Web.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"610\" ind1=\"2\" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Getty Conservation Institute<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"v\">Periodicals.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Historic preservation<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"v\">Periodicals.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Art<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"x\">Conservation and restoration<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"v\">Periodicals.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"710\" ind1=\"2\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Getty Conservation Institute.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"776\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Conservation (Marina del Rey, Calif.)<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"x\">1071-0892<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"w\">(OCoLC)25038844<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"w\">(DLC)   93660871<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"948\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">cataloged<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">h<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">2006\/12\/21<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">o<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"e\">kyu<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"f\">9:58:29 am<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"g\">CO<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"994\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">C0<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">TXA<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"999\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">MARS<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n  <\/record>"
    "record": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <record xmlns=\"http:\/\/\/MARC21\/slim\">\r\n    <leader>03551cjm a2200577 a 4500<\/leader>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"001\">1520848<\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"005\">20151004060535.0<\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"007\">sd fsngnn|||e|<\/controlfield>\r\n    <controlfield tag=\"008\">941026s1991    xxumun   ei         N\/A d<\/controlfield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"028\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">15 679<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">LaserLight<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"035\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">(OCoLC)31357838<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"035\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"9\">AGX0747AM<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"040\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">FBP<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">FBP<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">TXA<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">UtOrBLW<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"041\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"g\">ger<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"g\">eng<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"049\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">TXAV<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"090\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">M5<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">.H67 1991 v. 4<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"245\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Hot 100.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">Vol. 4,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">1788-1810.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"264\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"1\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">[United States] :<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">LaserLight,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">[1991]<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"264\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"4\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">\u21171991<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"300\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">1 sound disc (59:06) :<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">digital, stereo. ;<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"c\">4 3\/4 in. +<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"e\">1 pamphlet.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"336\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">performed music<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">prm<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"2\">rdacontent<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"337\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">audio<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">s<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"2\">rdamedia<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"338\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">audio disc<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"b\">sd<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"2\">rdacarrier<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Compact disc.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Title on container insert: 100 masterpieces, the top 10 of classical music, 1788-1810.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Program notes by Uwe Kraemer in German and English on container insert.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"500\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Sound recording.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"505\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Symphony no. 40, 1st movement \/ Mozart -- Moonlight sonata, 1st movement \/ Beethoven -- Symphony no. 94, \"Surprise\", 2nd movement -- The magic flute - Overture \/ Mozart -- Fu\u0308r elise \/ Beethoven -- Emperor's hymn, from String Quartet in C \/ Haydn -- Symphony no. 5, 1st movement \/ Beethoven -- Clarinet concerto in A, 2nd movement \/ Mozart -- Minuet in G \/ Beethoven -- Trumpet concerto in E flat, 3rd movement \/ Haydn.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"511\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra, Hans Graf, conductor (1st work) ; Evelyne Dubourg, piano (2nd, 5th works) ; Hungarian State Orchestra, Janos Ferencsik, conductor (3rd work) ; Staatskapelle Dresden, Hans Vonk, conductor (4th work) ; Kodaly Quartet (6th work) ; Dresden Philharmonic, Herbert Kegel, conductor (7th work); Bela Kovacs, clarinet, Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Janos Rolla, conductor (8th work) ; Budapest Strings (9th work) ; Ludwig Guttler, trumpet, New Leipzig Bach Collegium Musicum.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Symphonies<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"v\">Excerpts.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Concertos<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"v\">Excerpts.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Instrumental music.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Piano music.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"650\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\"0\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">String quartets<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"v\">Excerpts.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1756-1791.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Symphonies,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">K. 550,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">G minor.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Molto allegro.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Beethoven, Ludwig van,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1770-1827.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Sonatas,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"m\">piano,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">no. 14, op. 27, no. 2,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">C\u266F minor.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Adagio sostenuto.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Haydn, Joseph,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1732-1809.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Symphonies,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">H. I, 94,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">G major.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Andante.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1756-1791.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Zauberflo\u0308te.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Ouverture.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Beethoven, Ludwig van,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1770-1827.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Bagatelles,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"m\">piano,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">WoO 59,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">A minor.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Haydn, Joseph,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1732-1809.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Quartets,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"m\">violins (2), viola, cello,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">H. III, 77,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">C major.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Poco adagio cantabile.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Beethoven, Ludwig van,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1770-1827.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Symphonies,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">no. 5, op. 67,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">C minor.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Allegro con brio.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1756-1791.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Concertos,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"m\">clarinet, orchestra,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">K. 622,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">A major.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Adagio.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Beethoven, Ludwig van,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1770-1827.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Minuets,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"m\">orchestra,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">WoO 10, no. 2,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">G major.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\"2\">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Haydn, Joseph,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"d\">1732-1809.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"t\">Concertos,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"m\">trumpet, orchestra,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"n\">H. VIIe, 1,<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"r\">E\u266D major.<\/subfield>\r\n      <subfield code=\"p\">Allegro.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"700\" ind1=\"1\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Kraemer, Uwe.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"740\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">Hot one hundred.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"740\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">100 masterpieces, the top 10 of classical music, 1788-1810.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"740\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">100 masterpieces, the top ten of classical music, 1788-1810.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"740\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">One hundred masterpieces, the top 10 of classical music, 1788-1810.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"740\" ind1=\"0\" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">One hundred masterpieces, the top ten of classical music, 1788-1810.<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n    <datafield tag=\"999\" ind1=\" \" ind2=\" \">\r\n      <subfield code=\"a\">MARS<\/subfield>\r\n    <\/datafield>\r\n  <\/record>"	

If records parsing was successfully initiated, there won't be any content in the response (HTTP status 204).

JobExecution state will be updated

  "id": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
  "hrId": 88,
  "parentJobId": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
  "subordinationType": "PARENT_SINGLE",
  "jobProfileInfo": {
    "id": "e34d7b92-9b83-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003",
    "name": "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib",
    "dataType": "MARC_BIB"
  "runBy" : {
    "firstName" : "DIKU",
    "lastName" : "ADMINISTRATOR"
  "progress" : {
    "current" : 1000,
    "total" : 1000
  "startedDate" : "2019-05-15T14:36:00.776+0000",
  "status" : "PARSING_IN_PROGRESS",
  "userId" : "a0086f7e-61b6-5c2d-9e1b-b268063a44b3"

Finishing raw records parsing

To indicate the end of raw records transferring for parsing one should send POST request containing last RawRecordsDto to /change-manager/jobExecutions/{jobExecutionId}/records.
{jobExecutionId} - JobExecution id, which can be retrieved from response of JobExecution creation request. The last RawRecordsDto should contain empty records list ("initialRecords" field), appropriate record format value in "contentType" field (for example MARC_RAW) and field "last" = true.

curl -w '\n' -X POST -D -   \
   -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
   -H "Accept: text/plain, application/json"   \
   -H "x-okapi-tenant: diku"  \
   -H "x-okapi-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWt1X2FkbWluIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjQwZDFiZDcxLWVhN2QtNTk4Ny1iZTEwLTEyOGUzODJiZDMwNyIsImNhY2hlX2tleSI6IjMyYTJhNDQ3LWE4MzQtNDE1Ni1iYmZjLTk4YTEyZWVhNzliMyIsImlhdCI6MTU1NzkyMzI2NSwidGVuYW50IjoiZGlrdSJ9.AgPDmXIOsudFB_ugWYvJCdyqq-1AQpsRWLNt9EvzCy0" \
   -d @lastRawRecordsDto.json \
 "id": "22fafcc3-f582-493d-88b0-3c538480cd83" // for each chunk we need to have and unique uuid
  "recordsMetadata": {
    "last": true,
    "counter": 3,
    "total": 3,
  "initialRecords": []

Successful response won't have any content (HTTP status 204).

JobExecution state will be changed

  "id": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
  "hrId": 88,
  "parentJobId": "647c2dee-70a8-4ae8-aba4-81579ee17e58",
  "subordinationType": "PARENT_SINGLE",
  "jobProfileInfo": {
    "id": "e34d7b92-9b83-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003",
    "name": "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib",
    "dataType": "MARC_BIB"
  "runBy" : {
    "firstName" : "DIKU",
    "lastName" : "ADMINISTRATOR"
  "progress" : {
    "current" : 1000,
    "total" : 1000
  "startedDate" : "2019-05-15T14:36:00.776+0000",
  "completedDate" : "2019-05-15T14:56:23.387+0000",
  "status" : "COMMITTED",
  "uiStatus" : "RUNNING_COMPLETE",
  "userId" : "a0086f7e-61b6-5c2d-9e1b-b268063a44b3"

Delete records associated with JobExecution

To delete JobExecution and all associated records send a delete request on /change-manager/jobExecutions/{jobExecutionId}/records.

curl -w '\n' -X DELETE -D -   \
   -H "Content-type: application/json"   \
   -H "Accept: */*"   \
   -H "x-okapi-tenant: diku"  \
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Successful response contains no content (HTTP status 204).

MARC-to-Instance mapping workflow

When the Data import Action = Create:

1. HRID-001 field logic:

  • Always removes the 001 from the incoming MARC record (Note that there may be field mapping to move the existing 001 to a different field, e.g. move from 001 to 035)
  • Inventory will assign next FOLIO HRID based on the Instance sequential number generator in Inventory and the starting number in Settings
  • Inventory will assign the Instance prefix based on the optional prefix defined in Settings
  • Once the FOLIO HRID is assigned, Inventory will return the HRID to SRS
  • SRS puts the HRID into the 001 field of the SRS record
  • Map that number to the HRID of the corresponding Instance record

2. 999-field logic:

  • After instance was created, to the record will be added 2 values:
    1. To the "999ff$s" field - will be added matchedId.
    2. To the "999ff$i" field - will be added instanceId.

NOTE - when Data Import started using Kafka as a transport (R1 2021 Iris release) the deduplication of events logic was based on assigning same 999ff$s and 999ff$i UUIDs, the approach for deduplication changed (R1 2022 Lotus release), however records imported meanwhile could still have the same 999ff$s and 999ff$i UUIDs

  • MARC Bibs: same 999ff$s and 999ff$i UUIDs for records imported on Iris, Juniper, Kiwi; different UUIDs on pre-Iris HF3 and after Lotus
  • MARC Holdings: same 999ff$s and 999ff$i UUIDs on Kiwi; different UUIDs on Lotus and after
  • MARC Authorities: n/a (only SRS records exist in Kiwi; by the time Inventory Authority records exist in Lotus, it will have been changed)

When the Data import action = Modify or Update:

HRID-001 field logic:

  • If the incoming record's 001 matches the 001 in the existing SRS MARC record, then do not make any changes to the 001 or 003 fields of the incoming record
  • If the incoming record's 001 does not match the existing SRS MARC record, then update the 001, 003, and possibly 035 to match the previous version of the record in SRS (that is, move the 001 data to an 035, prefixed by 003 data in parentheses, and make sure the Instance HRID is in the 001 field)

When overlay (both overlays - via Instance = FOLIO or Instance = MARC):

The existing OCLC 001/003 are moved down (merged) to an 035 field, and the Instance HRID being placed in the 001 field.


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  • PLpgSQL 2.4%
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