BlogReact - is an angular website used as a personal blog.
The application supports all types of mobile devices and works well on desktops.
- This application follows the modern serverless design principles and the best practices of building and hosting cloud based serverless public facing applications.
- The application consists of two main parts - the
Angular UI app
and the.NET Core Lambda api
. - This design achieves great economy as it makes unnecessary running a full-scale web server and this is also in line with all the principles of the microservices architecture.
- The UI app is built using Angular and Bootstrap 4. It is compiled and then copied over as a package of static files into AWS S3 bucket. The bucket is set up as a static file server. In theory the UI part can be hosted on any sevrer capable of serving static or dynamic applications. It does not require IIS, Kestrel, NodeJs or any other specific server. Once loaded into the browser the app will start making
calls to the the backend service which is also hosted in AWS as a serverless Lambda. In theory the backend service can be swapped with another service capable of serving content over RESTful connections. - The UI app supports mobile devices and desktops equally well.
- The api is based on the .NET Core 3.1 AWS Lambda template. The logic is implemented using C#.
- The api is run as a serverless application.
- The api uses the serverless database technology
as it's main storage provider
- The app can be built and run locally
to start the app navigate to .\Blog\app directory and run
npm run start
to build the app for deployment run
npm run start
now you can copy the files from the build folder to the server of your choice
to build and package the lambda project locally navigate to .\Blog\UI directory and run
dotnet lambda package
this command will zip the packag into \Optimiser-api\src\Optimiser\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\
In order to use commands given below you'll need to replace [my-bucket-name] with the name of your own s3 bucket
Create an s3 bucket for the source code of your lambda by running following command from \optimiser\api\src\Optimiser directory:
aws s3 mb s3://serikm-blog-api --region ap-southeast-2
To prepare the package for the deployment to CloudFormation and to transform the template.yml run:
aws cloudformation package --template-file ./template.yml --output-template-file sam-template.yml --s3-bucket serikm-blog-api
To deploy the packaged source code to aws lambda using CF run:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./sam-template.yml --stack-name serikm-blog-api --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM