Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors Game! This is a simple interactive game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Play against the computer, make your choice, and see who wins! Features ✨
Choose between Rock, Paper, or Scissors.
The game will randomly select the computer's choice.
Displays the winner after each round.
Fun and interactive design using HTML, CSS, and JS!
Click on Rock, Paper, or Scissors to make your selection.
The game will automatically display the computer's choice.
See the result: You Win!, You Lose!, or It's a Tie!
Keep playing until you're satisfied, or refresh to start over.
Clone the repository:-
git clone https://github.com/your-username/Rock-Paper-Scissors-Game.git
Open index.html in your browser to start playing.
HTML - Structure of the game.
CSS - Styling and design.
JavaScript - Game logic and interactions.
Feel free to fork the repository and contribute! If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. License 📄
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. Social Media 📱
Follow along for updates and new games:
GitHub: @Shantanu675
Enjoy the game! 🎉