To override the slots of grid plugin, first of all we have to understand about the structure of the grid plugin
We pushed all the grid to this folder src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/blocks/grid
In here you can see the name of the grid you want to override
For example, Now I will try to change the slot of 2-8-2
, what I should do now is do an override these files
- 2-8-2/index.js // The slots in this file
- 2-8-2/component/sas-cms-grid-block-2-8-2-column.html.twig // The html content in this file if your needs want
So let's start with our sample plugin
My desired result is change the Key name and the elements of the slots to
slots = {
'left': 'text',
'middle': 'youtube-video',
'right': 'vimeo-video'
If you don't know where I got the name of elements you can go to this part platform/src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/blocks
and get the name of the sub-categories of the folders
The first thing I will do is create the files as same as the directory with the grid I want to modify
- src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/blocks/grid/2-8-2/component/index.js
- src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/blocks/grid/2-8-2/component/sas-cms-grid-block-2-8-2-column.html.twig
- src/Resources/app/administration/src/main.js
Now I will explain what you need to consider in each of these files
You can copy the content in these files and change its contents as desired
File: src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/blocks/grid/2-8-2/component/index.js
overrideSlotsBlock() {
const block = this.getBlockTitle('grid-2-8-2');
if (block) {
block.slots = {
'left': 'text',
'middle': 'youtube-video',
'right': 'vimeo-video'
In this file I will get the block title name grid-2-8-2
to get the slots variable and override it to what I'm needs
If you don't know how to get the name, so you can debug with this console in you code console.log('this.cmsBlocks');
or you go to 2-8-2/index.js
file in grid plugin and copy the value in the name parameter
File: src/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/blocks/grid/2-8-2/component/sas-cms-grid-block-2-8-2-column.html.twig
<slot name="left"></slot>
<slot name="middle"></slot>
<slot name="right"></slot>
Please keep in mind. If you change the slot key name, add more or delete, so you have to override the slot tags like above
File: src/Resources/app/administration/src/main.js
import './module/sw-cms/blocks/grid/2-8-2/component';
To import the grid component of your custom, so that Shopware can execute your override