This is a testing and training code for Deep ADMM-Net in "Deep ADMM-Net for Compressive Sensing MRI" (NIPS 2016)
If you use this code, please cite our paper:
All rights are reserved by the authors.
Yan Yang -2017/04/05. For more detail, feel free to contact: [email protected]
For testing the trained network
1). Load trained network with different stages in main_ADMM_Net_test.m.
If you apply ADMM-Net to reconstruct other MR images, it is best to re-train the models.The models in './net/network_20' are trained from 100 real MR trainging images with 20% sampling rate. The models in './net/network_30' are trained from 100 real MR trainging images with 30% sampling rate.
2). Load sampling pattern with different sampling ratios in main_ADMM_Net_test.m
The mask in './mask/mask_20' is a pseudo radial sampling pattern with 20% sampling rate.
3). Load test image in main_ADMM_Net_test.m
The images in './data/Brain_data' are real-valued brain MR images. The images in './data/Chest_data' are 50 real-valued chest MR testing images in our paper.
4). Network setting is in 'config.m '.
5). To test our ADMM-Net, run 'main_ADMM_Net_test.m'
For training the networks
1). The training chest dataset is in './data/ChestTrain_20'.
Run 'Gen_traindata.m' to generate training data, and load corresponding sampling pattern in this operation.2). Modify the network setting and trainging setting in 'config.m '.
3). To train ADMM-Net by L-BFGS algorithm, run 'main_netTrain.m' .
4). After training, the trained network and the training error are saved in './Train_output'.
The testing result of the demo images.
1) Brain_data1.(20% sampling rate)
|--------------| re_LOss | re_PSnr |
| net-stage7- | 0.0578 | 35.60 |
| net-stage14 | 0.0562 | 35.83 |
| net-stage15 | 0.0561 | 35.85 |
2) Brain_data2.(20% sampling rate)
|--------------| re_LOss | re_PSnr |
| net-stage7- | 0.0957 | 30.40 |
| net-stage14 | 0.0929 | 30.65 |
| net-stage15 | 0.0927 | 30.67 |