Sean Yen
Where would you fit your automated tests in your Recipe project development pipeline? Select one of the following and explain why.
Within a Github action that runs whenever code is pushed to track development progress during development automatically and to demonstrate that new code helps to resolve failing tests.
Would you use an end to end test to check if a function is returning the correct output? (yes/no)
Would you use a unit test to test the “message” feature of a messaging application? Why or why not? For this question, assume the “message” feature allows a user to write and send a message to another user.
No because it involves many moving parts, like connecting to a back-end service, a text box allowing the user to enter in their message, a send button, validation to ensure no empty strings or bad words, etc.
Would you use a unit test to test the “max message length” feature of a messaging application? Why or why not? For this question, assume the “max message length” feature prevents the user from typing more than 80 characters.
Yes since it is a small-scale encapsulated unit.