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ShiftSpace edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

The user document represents the basic means of interacting with a ShiftSpace server. Very few interesting operations can occur beyond reads without a session that matches a user in the database. Admin users are useful constructs when two ShiftSpace server’s need to share data or when testing the conformance of a ShiftSpace Server implementation to this specification.


  "type": "user",
  "server": <bool>,
  "userName": <string>,
  "displayName": <string>,
  "email": <string>,
  "bio": <string>,
  "url": <string>,
  "gravatar": <string>,
  "password": <string>,
  "joined": <string: utc format parseable date string>,
  "lastSeen": <string: utc format parseable date string>,
  "publicStream": <string>,
  "privateStream": <string>,
  "messageStream": <string>,
  "notify": <array>,
  "streams": <array>,
  "preferences": <hash-map>

userName: must be at least 6 characters long. Must start with an alphabetic character. Must contain only alphanumeric characters.
displayName: optional user supplied display name.
email: must be a valid email address.
bio: optional user supplied biographical data.
url: optional user supplied url.
gravatar: generated from email. Disallowed field in update calls.
password: user’s hashed password.
joined: set by the server. Cannot be changed afterwards.
lastSeen: updated when the user logs in or out.
publicStream: the id of the user’s public stream.
privateStream: the id of the user’s private stream. Used to support following.
messageStream: the id of the user’s inbox stream.
notify: list of stream for which the user wants notifications in his/her inbox.
streams: list of streams to which the user is subscribed.
preferences: schemaless hash-map of the user’s preferences.


Creating a user

Creates a user. The request must be made with the header “Content-type” set to “application/json”. In order to validate the JSON data must include userName, password, passwordVerify, and email fields. It is case sensitive.


POST /user/userName


A JSON string that conforms the user schema.

Updating a user

Updates a user with a JSON string containing the updated fields.


PUT /user/userName


The updated user.

Reading a user

Read a user’s data. If the user is logged in or the user is running as admin this will return all fields with the exception of password. Unprivileged users will not see email, publicStream, privateStream, messageStream, streams, notify, preferences.


GET /user/userName


The user.

Deleting a user

Deleting a user should delete the user account including all of the user’s comments and any shifts which are not part of a larger discussions, streams he/she created which have no other members, and events which were created by that user.


DELETE /user/userName



Following a user

This subscribes the logged in user to another user’s public stream.


POST /user/userName/follow


The updated user.

Unfollowing a user

This unsubscribes a user from another user’s public stream.


POST /user/userName/unfollow


The updated user.

Getting a user’s comments

Returns an array of the user’s comments. Comments are returned ordered by descending from the most recent comment to least recent comment. Only accessible to the user or system admin.


GET /user/userName/comments


start – the index to start
count – the number of results to return


An array of comments.

Getting a user’s favorites

Returns an array of the user’s favorite shifts. Favorites are returned order descending from most recently favorited to least recently favorites. Only accessible to the user or system admin.


GET /user/userName/favorites


start – the index to start.
count – the number of results to return.


An array of shifts.

Getting a user’s shifts

Returns an array of user’s shifts. Shifts are returned sorted by descending from most recently modified to least recently modified. Only accessible to the user or system admin.


GET /user/userName/shifts


start – the index to start.
count – the number of results to return.

Getting a user’s inbox

Returns messages in the user’s inbox. Messages are returned descending from the most recent to least recent message. Only accessible to the user or system admin.


GET /user/userName/messages


An array of events.