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Merge pull request SciML#2548 from Shreyas-Ekanathan/master
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Small Radau Optimizations
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ChrisRackauckas authored Dec 3, 2024
2 parents a6b4262 + c069898 commit 5c00abb
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Showing 4 changed files with 51 additions and 42 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/src/controllers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
function step_accept_controller!(integrator, controller::PredictiveController, alg::AdaptiveRadau, q)
@unpack qmin, qmax, gamma, qsteady_min, qsteady_max = integrator.opts
@unpack cache = integrator
@unpack num_stages, step, iter, hist_iter = cache
@unpack num_stages, step, iter, hist_iter, index = cache

EEst = DiffEqBase.value(integrator.EEst)

Expand All @@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ function step_accept_controller!(integrator, controller::PredictiveController, a
max_stages = (alg.max_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
min_stages = (alg.min_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
if (step > 10)
if (hist_iter < 2.6 && num_stages <= max_stages)
if (hist_iter < 2.6 && num_stages < max_stages)
cache.num_stages += 2
cache.index += 1
cache.step = 1
cache.hist_iter = iter
elseif ((hist_iter > 8 || cache.status == VerySlowConvergence || cache.status == Divergence) && num_stages >= min_stages)
elseif ((hist_iter > 8 || cache.status == VerySlowConvergence || cache.status == Divergence) && num_stages > min_stages)
cache.num_stages -= 2
cache.index -= 1
cache.step = 1
cache.hist_iter = iter
Expand All @@ -48,8 +50,9 @@ function step_reject_controller!(integrator, controller::PredictiveController, a
cache.hist_iter = hist_iter
min_stages = (alg.min_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
if (step > 10)
if ((hist_iter > 8 || cache.status == VerySlowConvergence || cache.status == Divergence) && num_stages >= min_stages)
if ((hist_iter > 8 || cache.status == VerySlowConvergence || cache.status == Divergence) && num_stages > min_stages)
cache.num_stages -= 2
cache.index -= 1
cache.step = 1
cache.hist_iter = iter
Expand Down
72 changes: 39 additions & 33 deletions lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/src/firk_caches.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ mutable struct AdaptiveRadauConstantCache{F, Tab, Tol, Dt, U, JType} <:

function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits},
Expand All @@ -508,30 +509,32 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}

max_order = alg.max_order
min_order = alg.min_order
max = (max_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
min = (min_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
max_stages = (max_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
min_stages = (min_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
if (alg.min_order < 5)
error("min_order choice $min_order below 5 is not compatible with the algorithm")
elseif (max < min)
elseif (max_stages < min_stages)
error("max_order $max_order is below min_order $min_order")
num_stages = min
num_stages = min_stages

tabs = [RadauIIATableau5(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits)), RadauIIATableau9(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits)), RadauIIATableau13(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits))]
i = 9
while i <= max
i = max(min_stages, 9)
while i <= max_stages
push!(tabs, RadauIIATableau(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits), i))
i += 2
cont = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, max)
for i in 1:max
cont = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, max_stages)
for i in 1:max_stages
cont[i] = zero(u)

index = min((min_stages - 1) ÷ 2, 4)

κ = alg.κ !== nothing ? convert(uToltype, alg.κ) : convert(uToltype, 1 // 100)
J = false .* _vec(rate_prototype) .* _vec(rate_prototype)'
AdaptiveRadauConstantCache(uf, tabs, κ, one(uToltype), 10000, cont, dt, dt,
Convergence, J, num_stages, 1, 0.0)
Convergence, J, num_stages, 1, 0.0, index)

mutable struct AdaptiveRadauCache{uType, cuType, tType, uNoUnitsType, rateType, JType, W1Type, W2Type,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -578,6 +581,7 @@ mutable struct AdaptiveRadauCache{uType, cuType, tType, uNoUnitsType, rateType,

function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits},
Expand All @@ -589,56 +593,58 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}

max_order = alg.max_order
min_order = alg.min_order
max = (max_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
min = (min_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
max_stages = (max_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
min_stages = (min_order - 1) ÷ 4 * 2 + 1
if (alg.min_order < 5)
error("min_order choice $min_order below 5 is not compatible with the algorithm")
elseif (max < min)
elseif (max_stages < min_stages)
error("max_order $max_order is below min_order $min_order")
num_stages = min
num_stages = min_stages

tabs = [RadauIIATableau5(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits)), RadauIIATableau9(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits)), RadauIIATableau13(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits))]
i = 9
while i <= max
i = max(min_stages, 9)
while i <= max_stages
push!(tabs, RadauIIATableau(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits), i))
i += 2

index = min((min_stages - 1) ÷ 2, 4)

κ = alg.κ !== nothing ? convert(uToltype, alg.κ) : convert(uToltype, 1 // 100)

z = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, max)
w = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, max)
for i in 1 : max
z = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, max_stages)
w = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, max_stages)
for i in 1 : max_stages
z[i] = zero(u)
w[i] = zero(u)

αdt = [zero(t) for i in 1:max]
βdt = [zero(t) for i in 1:max]
c_prime = Vector{typeof(t)}(undef, max) #time stepping
for i in 1 : max
αdt = [zero(t) for i in 1:max_stages]
βdt = [zero(t) for i in 1:max_stages]
c_prime = Vector{typeof(t)}(undef, max_stages) #time stepping
for i in 1 : max_stages
c_prime[i] = zero(t)

dw1 = zero(u)
ubuff = zero(u)
dw2 = [similar(u, Complex{eltype(u)}) for _ in 1 : (max - 1) ÷ 2]
dw2 = [similar(u, Complex{eltype(u)}) for _ in 1 : (max_stages - 1) ÷ 2]
recursivefill!.(dw2, false)
cubuff = [similar(u, Complex{eltype(u)}) for _ in 1 : (max - 1) ÷ 2]
cubuff = [similar(u, Complex{eltype(u)}) for _ in 1 : (max_stages - 1) ÷ 2]
recursivefill!.(cubuff, false)
dw = [zero(u) for i in 1 : max]
dw = [zero(u) for i in 1:max_stages]

cont = [zero(u) for i in 1:max]
cont = [zero(u) for i in 1:max_stages]

derivatives = Matrix{typeof(u)}(undef, max, max)
for i in 1 : max, j in 1 : max
derivatives = Matrix{typeof(u)}(undef, max_stages, max_stages)
for i in 1 : max_stages, j in 1 : max_stages
derivatives[i, j] = zero(u)

fsalfirst = zero(rate_prototype)
fw = [zero(rate_prototype) for i in 1 : max]
ks = [zero(rate_prototype) for i in 1 : max]
fw = [zero(rate_prototype) for i in 1 : max_stages]
ks = [zero(rate_prototype) for i in 1 : max_stages]

k = ks[1]

Expand All @@ -647,7 +653,7 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}
error("Non-concrete Jacobian not yet supported by AdaptiveRadau.")

W2 = [similar(J, Complex{eltype(W1)}) for _ in 1 : (max - 1) ÷ 2]
W2 = [similar(J, Complex{eltype(W1)}) for _ in 1 : (max_stages - 1) ÷ 2]
recursivefill!.(W2, false)

du1 = zero(rate_prototype)
Expand All @@ -665,7 +671,7 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}

linsolve2 = [
init(LinearProblem(W2[i], _vec(cubuff[i]); u0 = _vec(dw2[i])), alg.linsolve, alias_A = true, alias_b = true,
assumptions = LinearSolve.OperatorAssumptions(true)) for i in 1 : (max - 1) ÷ 2]
assumptions = LinearSolve.OperatorAssumptions(true)) for i in 1 : (max_stages - 1) ÷ 2]

rtol = reltol isa Number ? reltol : zero(reltol)
atol = reltol isa Number ? reltol : zero(reltol)
Expand All @@ -677,6 +683,6 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}
uf, tabs, κ, one(uToltype), 10000, tmp,
atmp, jac_config,
linsolve1, linsolve2, rtol, atol, dt, dt,
Convergence, alg.step_limiter!, num_stages, 1, 0.0)
Convergence, alg.step_limiter!, num_stages, 1, 0.0, index)

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/src/firk_perform_step.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1354,8 +1354,8 @@ end
@muladd function perform_step!(integrator, cache::AdaptiveRadauConstantCache,
repeat_step = false)
@unpack t, dt, uprev, u, f, p = integrator
@unpack tabs, num_stages = cache
tab = tabs[(num_stages - 1) ÷ 2]
@unpack tabs, num_stages, index = cache
tab = tabs[index]
@unpack T, TI, γ, α, β, c, e = tab
@unpack κ, cont = cache
@unpack internalnorm, abstol, reltol, adaptive = integrator.opts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1595,8 +1595,8 @@ end

@muladd function perform_step!(integrator, cache::AdaptiveRadauCache, repeat_step = false)
@unpack t, dt, uprev, u, f, p, fsallast, fsalfirst = integrator
@unpack num_stages, tabs = cache
tab = tabs[(num_stages - 1) ÷ 2]
@unpack num_stages, tabs, index = cache
tab = tabs[index]
@unpack T, TI, γ, α, β, c, e = tab
@unpack κ, cont, derivatives, z, w, c_prime, αdt, βdt= cache
@unpack dw1, ubuff, dw2, cubuff, dw = cache
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/test/ode_high_order_firk_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ testTol = 0.5
prob_ode_linear_big = remake(prob_ode_linear, u0 = big.(prob_ode_linear.u0), tspan = big.(prob_ode_linear.tspan))
prob_ode_2Dlinear_big = remake(prob_ode_2Dlinear, u0 = big.(prob_ode_2Dlinear.u0), tspan = big.(prob_ode_2Dlinear.tspan))

for i in [17, 21], prob in [prob_ode_linear_big, prob_ode_2Dlinear_big]
for i in [17, 21, 25], prob in [prob_ode_linear_big, prob_ode_2Dlinear_big]
dts = 1 ./ 2 .^ (4.25:-1:0.25)
sim21 = test_convergence(dts, prob, AdaptiveRadau(min_order = i, max_order = i))
@test sim21.𝒪est[:final] i atol=testTol
Expand Down

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