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Shreyas-Ekanathan committed Aug 24, 2024
1 parent 1d7a4bd commit c69f1c1
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Showing 4 changed files with 67 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/src/algorithms.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ end

function AdaptiveRadau(; chunk_size = Val{0}(), autodiff = Val{true}(),
standardtag = Val{true}(), concrete_jac = nothing,
diff_type = Val{:forward}, num_stages = 3,
diff_type = Val{:forward}, num_stages = 5,
linsolve = nothing, precs = DEFAULT_PRECS,
extrapolant = :dense, fast_convergence_cutoff = 1 // 5,
new_W_γdt_cutoff = 1 // 5,
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/src/firk_caches.jl
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Expand Up @@ -552,26 +552,26 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}
::Val{true}) where {uEltypeNoUnits, uBottomEltypeNoUnits, tTypeNoUnits}
uf = UJacobianWrapper(f, t, p)
uToltype = constvalue(uBottomEltypeNoUnits)
alg.num_stages = num_stages
num_stages = alg.num_stages
tab = adaptiveRadauTableau(uToltype, constvalue(tTypeNoUnits), num_stages)

κ = alg.κ !== nothing ? convert(uToltype, alg.κ) : convert(uToltype, 1 // 100)

z = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, num_stages)
w = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, num_stages)
for i in 1:s
for i in 1 : num_stages
z[i] = w[i] = zero(u)

dw1 = zero(u)
ubuff = zero(u)
dw2 = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages/2))
for i in 1 : floor(Int, num_stages/2)
dw2 = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages / 2))
for i in 1 : floor(Int, num_stages / 2)
dw2[i] = similar(u, Complex{eltype(u)})
recursivefill!(dw[i], false)
cubuff = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages/2))
for i in 1 :floor(Int, num_stages/2)
cubuff = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages / 2))
for i in 1 : floor(Int, num_stages / 2)
cubuff[i] = similar(u, Complex{eltype(u)})
recursivefill!(cubuff[i], false)
Expand All @@ -593,15 +593,15 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}
error("Non-concrete Jacobian not yet supported by RadauIIA5.")
W2 = vector{typeof(Complex{W1})}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages/2))
for i in 1 : floor(Int, num_stages/2)
for i in 1 : floor(Int, num_stages / 2)
W2[i] = similar(J, Complex{eltype(W1)})
recursivefill!(w2[i], false)

du1 = zero(rate_prototype)

tmp = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, binomial(num_stages,2))
for i in 1 : binomial(num_stages,2)
tmp = Vector{typeof(u)}(undef, binomial(num_stages , 2))
for i in 1 : binomial(num_stages , 2)
tmp[i] = zero(u)

Expand All @@ -614,8 +614,8 @@ function alg_cache(alg::AdaptiveRadau, u, rate_prototype, ::Type{uEltypeNoUnits}
linsolve1 = init(linprob, alg.linsolve, alias_A = true, alias_b = true,
assumptions = LinearSolve.OperatorAssumptions(true))

linsolve2 = Vector{typeof(linsolve1)}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages/2))
for i in 1 : floor(int, num_stages/2)
linsolve2 = Vector{typeof(linsolve1)}(undef, floor(Int, num_stages / 2))
for i in 1 : floor(int, num_stages / 2)
linprob = LinearProblem(W2[i], _vec(cubuff[i]); u0 = _vec(dw2[i]))
linsolve2 = init(linprob, alg.linsolve, alias_A = true, alias_b = true,
assumptions = LinearSolve.OperatorAssumptions(true))
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65 changes: 54 additions & 11 deletions lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/src/firk_perform_step.jl
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function initialize!(integrator, cache::RadauIIA3Cache)

function initialize!(integrator, cache::Union{RadauIIA5Cache, RadauIIA9Cache, AdaptiveRadauCache})
function initialize!(integrator, cache::RadauIIA5Cache)
integrator.kshortsize = 2
resize!(integrator.k, integrator.kshortsize)
integrator.k[1] = integrator.fsalfirst
Expand All @@ -69,6 +69,47 @@ function initialize!(integrator, cache::Union{RadauIIA5Cache, RadauIIA9Cache, Ad

function initialize!(integrator, cache::RadauIIA9Cache)
integrator.kshortsize = 2
resize!(integrator.k, integrator.kshortsize)
integrator.k[1] = integrator.fsalfirst
integrator.k[2] = integrator.fsallast
integrator.f(integrator.fsalfirst, integrator.uprev, integrator.p, integrator.t)
OrdinaryDiffEqCore.increment_nf!(integrator.stats, 1)
if integrator.opts.adaptive
@unpack abstol, reltol = integrator.opts
if reltol isa Number
cache.rtol = reltol^(3 / 5) / 10
cache.atol = cache.rtol * (abstol / reltol)
@.. broadcast=false cache.rtol=reltol^(3 / 5) / 10
@.. broadcast=false cache.atol=cache.rtol * (abstol / reltol)

function initialize!(integrator, cache::AdaptiveRadauCache)
integrator.kshortsize = 2
resize!(integrator.k, integrator.kshortsize)
integrator.k[1] = integrator.fsalfirst
integrator.k[2] = integrator.fsallast
integrator.f(integrator.fsalfirst, integrator.uprev, integrator.p, integrator.t)
OrdinaryDiffEqCore.increment_nf!(integrator.stats, 1)
num_stages = alg.num_stages
if integrator.opts.adaptive
@unpack abstol, reltol = integrator.opts
if reltol isa Number
cache.rtol = reltol^((num_stages + 1) / (2 * num_stages)) / 10
cache.atol = cache.rtol * (abstol / reltol)
@.. broadcast=false cache.rtol=reltol^((num_stages + 1) / (2 * num_stages)) / 10
@.. broadcast=false cache.atol=cache.rtol * (abstol / reltol)

@muladd function perform_step!(integrator, cache::RadauIIA3ConstantCache)
@unpack t, dt, uprev, u, f, p = integrator
Expand All @@ -81,7 +122,7 @@ end
mass_matrix = integrator.f.mass_matrix

# precalculations
rtol = @. reltol^(2 / 3) / 10
rtol = @. reltol^(3 / 4) / 10
atol = @. rtol * (abstol / reltol)
αdt, βdt = α / dt, β / dt
J = calc_J(integrator, cache)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,7 +788,7 @@ end
mass_matrix = integrator.f.mass_matrix

# precalculations rtol pow is (num stages + 1)/(2*num stages)
rtol = @.. broadcast=false reltol^(5 / 8)/10
rtol = @.. broadcast=false reltol^(3 / 5)/10
atol = @.. broadcast=false rtol*(abstol / reltol)
c1m1 = c1 - 1
c2m1 = c2 - 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1321,7 +1362,7 @@ end
mass_matrix = integrator.f.mass_matrix

# precalculations rtol pow is (num stages + 1)/(2*num stages)
rtol = @.. broadcast=false reltol^(5 / 8)/10
rtol = @.. broadcast=false reltol^((num_stages + 1) / (num_stages * 2))/10
atol = @.. broadcast=false rtol*(abstol / reltol)

γdt, αdt, βdt = γ / dt, α ./ dt, β ./ dt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1356,12 +1397,12 @@ end
z[i] = @.. cont[num_stages] * (c_prime[i] - c[1] + 1) + cont[num_stages - 1]
j = num_stages - 2
while j > 0
z[i] = @.. z[i] * (c_prime[i] - c[num_stages- j - 1] + 1) + cont[j]
z[i] = @.. z[i] * (c_prime[i] - c[num_stages - j] + 1) + cont[j]
j = j - 1
z[i] = @.. z[i] * c_prime[i]
w = @.. TI * z
w = TI * z

# Newton iteration
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w = @.. w - dw

# transform `w` to `z`
z = T * w
z = vec(T * w)

# check stopping criterion
iter > 1 &&= θ / (1 - θ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1482,17 +1523,19 @@ end
if alg.extrapolant != :constant
derivatives = Matrix{eltype(u)}(undef, num_stages, num_stages)
pushfirst!(c, 0)
pushfirst!(z, 0)
for i in 1 : num_stages
for j in i : num_stages
if i == 1
derivatives[i, j] = @.. (z[i] - z[i + 1]) / (c[i] - c[i + 1]) #first derivatives
derivatives[i, j] = @.. (z[j] - z[j + 1]) / (c[j] - c[j + 1]) #first derivatives
derivatives[i, j] = @.. (derivatives[i - 1, j - 1] - derivatives[i - 1, j]) / (c[j - i + 1] - c[j + 1]) #all others
for i in 1 : (num_stages - 1)
for i in 1 : num_stages
cache.cont[i] = derivatives[i, num_stages]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1549,7 +1592,7 @@ end
z[i] = @.. cont[num_stages] * (c_prime[i] - c[1] + 1) + cont[num_stages - 1]
j = num_stages - 2
while j > 0
z[i] = @.. z[i] * (c_prime[i] - c[num_stages- j - 1] + 1) + cont[j]
z[i] = @.. z[i] * (c_prime[i] - c[num_stages - j] + 1) + cont[j]
j = j - 1
z[i] = @.. z[i] * c_prime[i]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1735,7 +1778,7 @@ end
for i in 1 : (num_stages - 1)
for i in 1 : num_stages
cache.cont[i] = derivatives[i, num_stages]
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/OrdinaryDiffEqFIRK/test/ode_firk_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ for prob in [prob_ode_linear, prob_ode_2Dlinear]
@test sim21.𝒪est[:final]5 atol=testTol

sol = solve(prob_ode_linear, AdaptiveRadau(), adaptive = false, dt = 1e-2)
sol = solve(prob_ode_linear, RadauIIA9(), adaptive = false, dt = 1e-2)
sol = solve(prob_ode_linear, RadauIIA5(), adaptive = false, dt = 1e-2)
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