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OV7670 based video camera to a VGA display


  1. Sai Manish Sasanapuri
  2. Shubhayu Das
  3. Veerendra S. Devaraddi

Image of us

(from left to right) Manish, Veerendra, and Shubhayu


VL504 - System Design with FPGAs - course project @ IIITB, under Professor Nanditha Rao


Displaying video on a VGA monitor using an OV7670 camera

For more details on the project, see the project report in this repo. Additional references are mentioned at the bottom of the report.

Hardware requirements:

  1. A Basys 3 development board. An equivalent is fine, but the pinouts will change.
  2. An OV7670 module(without the FIFO chip)
  3. A VGA monitor and VGA cable.
  4. USB wire for programming the dev-board(comes with it).

Instructions for running

Video over VGA using the OV7670

  1. Create a new Vivado project

  2. Add the following source files:

    • Add all the files in the src/ov7670_with_vga/ folder (including the src/ov7670_with_vga/ov7670/ folder).
    • Add all the files inside the src/vga/ folder.
  3. Add constraints/ov7670_constraints.xdc file as a constraint.

  4. Generate the bitstream.

  5. While Vivado is generating the bitstream, make the following connections:

    • Connect a VGA monitor to the Basys 3 board
    • Wire the OV7670 camera module as per the mapping given in: ov7670_basys3_wiring.txt
  6. Upload and run the program.

Video over UART

  1. Create a new Vivado Project

  2. Add the following files as sources to the project:

    • All the files in the src/vga/ folder.
    • The file in the src/uart/ folder.
    • The src/vga_over_uart_controller.v file.
  3. Add constraints/vga_over_uart_constraints.xdc as a constraint.

  4. Install the following packages in Python:

    • Numpy
    • Matplotlib
    • imageio[ffmpeg] <-- this is the exact name
    • Pyserial
  5. Generate the bitstream for the project in Vivado

  6. Meanwhile, connect the VGA monitor to the Basys 3 board, plug in the programming cable and power on the Basys 3 board.

  7. Find which COM port is being used by Basys 3. This will vary depending on your OS.

  8. Open scripts/ Edit line 10 to the COM port used by Basys 3.

  9. If you are on Linux/MacOS, you need to give write access to the comport. This can be done using sudo chmod a+rw <COMPORT>

  10. Run the program, and see the results on the VGA monitor. There are a variety of options in the script, which are well documented there. Feel free to play with them.

Folder structure

├── constraints
│   ├── ov7670_constraints.xdc          
│   └── vga_over_uart_constraints.xdc
├── images                  # All the images used for the report/project. The files name are self-explanatory
│   ├── report-images
│   ├── sccb-simulation
│   ├── us.jpg
│   ├── vga_from_ov7670
│   ├── vga-over-uart
│   └── vga-simulation
├── ov7670_basys3_wiring.txt        # Wiring diagram for the OV7670 module
├── scripts
│   ├──       # Script to generate a coefficient file
│   ├──             
│   ├── downscale.m         # MATLAB script to generate a data file from an image file
│   ├──
│   └──  # Sending video data over UART
├── simulation
│   ├── sccb
│   │   └── sccb_configuration_tb.v
│   └── vga
│       └── vga-tb.v
└── src
    ├── our-sccb
    │   └── sccb_configuration.v
    ├── ov7670_with_vga
    │   ├── ov7670
    │   │   ├── camera_configuration.v
    │   │   ├── camera_read.v
    │   │   ├── OV7670_configuration_rom.v
    │   │   ├── OV7670_configuration.v
    │   │   ├── SCCB_configuration.v
    │   │   └── top_camera.v
    │   └── top_controller.v
    ├── uart
    │   └── uart_rx.v
    ├── vga
    │   ├── h_sync.v
    │   ├── vga.v
    │   └── v_sync.v
    └── vga_over_uart_controller.v

For implementation based queries, feel free to raise an issue.