This template is related to a DockerImage created by Red Hat, which is in state tech preview. If you need more information, then take a look at this blog:
If not already happened, then add the Red Hat Docker Registry by following these steps.
- Edit /etc/sysconfig/docker and amend the Red Hat registry to the ADD_REGISTRY key
- Restart the docker service.
First of all you have to clone this repo and follow these few steps.
$ oc new-project cfme --display-name="Cloudforms Management Environment"
$ oc create serviceaccount cfmesvcacc -n cfme
$ oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:cfme:cfmesvcacc
$ oc create -f openshift-cloudforms-template.json
OpenShift Origin 1.3
Cloudforms 4.1