To follow how far this package is, you can check the Trello :
You can see every current functions in the src/lib folder. You can see the types and the keys of the results by checking the interface result.
This is a node, so you are supposed to use it with Nodejs.
To import the module, you need to do this in a command prompt :
npm install codingame-api-node-ts
This is the code to login to CodinGame
const { loginCodinGamer } = require('codingame-api-node-ts')
try {
const email = "[email protected]"
const password = "apitest"
const session = await loginCodinGamer(email, password)
} catch (e) {
//axios error
You can see the result of this by going to and check the interface "ILoginCodinGamer", that contains every keys and results of the response.