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Unofficial tool to verify, encode and decode the domestic QR code from Not affiliated with or Ministry of VWS.


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This is an unofficial tool that is in no way affiliated with or the Ministry of VWS. You have been warned!

coronacheck-tools is a python package and cli tool that allows you to validate, convert and dump the contents of the domestic coronacheck qr code generated at either through the app or the website. This tool is useful to get some insight into the data stored in these QR Codes, to fuzz the fields or to create your own QR validator.



# Install the package through pip
# This package requires python 3.6 or higher
# Depending on your Operating System you might need to install some extra dependencies.
# E.g. ubuntu linux: apt install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 zbar-tools
#      OSX: brew install zbar
#      Windows: choco install zbar
> pip install coronacheck-tools

# Example: dumping QR code data to JSON
> coronacheck-tools dump json /path/to/qrcode.jpg /path/to/output/directory

# Example: validate QR Code
> coronacheck-tools verify qr /path/to/qrcode.jpg

# Example: convert QR to ASN1 DER
> coronacheck-tools convert qr /path/to/qrcode.jpg asn1 /path/to/output/directory

# Example: convert ASN1 DER to QR
> coronacheck-tools convert asn1 /path/to/asn1.der qr /path/to/output/directory


# Running the tool through docker is quite easy.
# Just docker run sikerdebaard/coronacheck-tools:latest
# Optional: add --user `id -u` to change the uid/group of output files to the current user

# Example: dumping QR code data to JSON
> docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/data:/data sikerdebaard/coronacheck-tools:latest dump json /data/qrcode.jpg /data

# Example: validate QR Code
> docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/data:/data sikerdebaard/coronacheck-tools:latest verify qr /data/qrcode.jpg

# Example: convert QR to ASN1 DER
> docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/data:/data sikerdebaard/coronacheck-tools:latest convert qr /data/qrcode.jpg asn1 /data

# Example: convert ASN1 DER to QR
> docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/data:/data sikerdebaard/coronacheck-tools:latest convert asn1 /data/asn1.der qr /data


The tools main commands are as follows: verify, dump, convert, denylist and asn1spec.


This command is used for verifying a QR code. It supports a QR image, RAW, ASN1 DER and JSON as input for verification. This tool uses a thin wrapper around the official mobilecore verifier as used by the app.

> coronacheck-tools verify --help

This is an unofficial tool that is in no way affiliated with or the Ministry of VWS
  coronacheck-tools verify <input-format> <input>

  <input-format>         Input format. QR, RAW, ASN1, JSON.
  <input>                Input file.

  -h (--help)            Display this help message
  -q (--quiet)           Do not output any message
  -v (--verbose)         Increase the verbosity of messages: "-v" for normal output, "-vv" for more verbose output and "-vvv" for debug
  -V (--version)         Display this application version
  --ansi                 Force ANSI output
  --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n (--no-interaction)  Do not ask any interactive question


Dump is for converting and image with a QR code to RAW, ASN1 DER or JSON.

> coronacheck-tools dump --help

This is an unofficial tool that is in no way affiliated with or the Ministry of VWS
  coronacheck-tools dump <format> <image> <output>

  <format>               Output format. RAW, ASN1, JSON.
  <image>                Path to an image file with one or more QR codes.
  <output>               Output directory. Will overwrite existing files.

  -h (--help)            Display this help message
  -q (--quiet)           Do not output any message
  -v (--verbose)         Increase the verbosity of messages: "-v" for normal
                         output, "-vv" for more verbose output and "-vvv" for
  -V (--version)         Display this application version
  --ansi                 Force ANSI output
  --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n (--no-interaction)  Do not ask any interactive question


The convert command helps in converting one format into another. Supported formats are QR image, RAW, ASN1 DER and JSON. The tools can upconvert or downconvert. E.g. QR -> JSON or JSON -> QR, but it can also be used for cloning QR -> QR. This is usefull for convert a QR in a fuzzy image to a crisp clean QR.

> coronacheck-tools convert --help

This is an unofficial tool that is in no way affiliated with or the Ministry of VWS
  coronacheck-tools convert <input-format> <input> <output-format> <output>

  <input-format>         Input format. QR, RAW, ASN1, JSON.
  <input>                Input file.
  <output-format>        Output format. QR, RAW, ASN1, JSON.
  <output>               Output directory. Existing files will be overwritten without warning.

  -h (--help)            Display this help message
  -q (--quiet)           Do not output any message
  -v (--verbose)         Increase the verbosity of messages: "-v" for normal output, "-vv" for more verbose output and "-vvv" for debug
  -V (--version)         Display this application version
  --ansi                 Force ANSI output
  --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n (--no-interaction)  Do not ask any interactive question


This tool lists all entries on the deny list and optionally checks if a given QR code is on the denylist if such a parameter is given.

> coronacheck-tools denylist --help
This is an unofficial tool that is in no way affiliated with or the Ministry of VWS
  coronacheck-tools denylist [<input-format>] [<input>]

  <input-format>         Optional input format (must be combined with <input>)
  <input>                Optional input QR code data (must be combined with <input-format>)

  -h (--help)            Display this help message
  -q (--quiet)           Do not output any message
  -v (--verbose)         Increase the verbosity of messages: "-v" for normal output, "-vv" for more verbose output and "-vvv" for debug
  -V (--version)         Display this application version
  --ansi                 Force ANSI output
  --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n (--no-interaction)  Do not ask any interactive question


This tool shows the ASN1 specification as used for deserializing the QR code data.

> coronacheck-tools asn1spec --help

This is an unofficial tool that is in no way affiliated with or the Ministry of VWS
  coronacheck-tools asn1spec [<version>]

  <version>              Currently supported versions: 2 "2"

  -h (--help)            Display this help message
  -q (--quiet)           Do not output any message
  -v (--verbose)         Increase the verbosity of messages: "-v" for normal output, "-vv" for more verbose output and "-vvv" for debug
  -V (--version)         Display this application version
  --ansi                 Force ANSI output
  --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n (--no-interaction)  Do not ask any interactive question

Python API

This package requires python 3.6 or higher

The python library allows for a little bit more control over how the qr-code is decoded. Here's an example script on how to dump a qr-code to ASN.1 and then read the ASN.1 and convert it to a dict. Finally the script wil re-encode the whole thing back to a QR code.

from coronacheck_tools import decode_qr, decode_raw, decode_asn1_der, decode_to_dict, encode_dict, raw_to_qr, validate_raw

# An image can contain multiple QR codes. As such, this function always returns an array with decoded data.
# Format can be the following:
#  RAW = Just grab the raw data from the QR code(s) in the image
#  ASN1_DER = Decoded QR Code data. The raw data is confiks and then base45 decoded. This results in a ASN.1 DER blob.
#  ASN1 = Uses the ASN.1 specification to decode the ASN.1 DER data. This is then represented as a dict. Some of the fields in this data
#         are still encoded. Mainly the aDisclosed records still need some decoding. The data is almost usable at this point.
#  DICT = Decode everything, even the records within aDisclosed, and output a dict.

# Let's first convert the qr-code to an ASN1 DER.
asn1s = decode_qr('test/testdata/qrtest.png', format='asn1_der')

# Store the first QR code's ASN.1 DER to disk
with open('/tmp/asn1der.asn', 'wb') as fh:

# This ASN1 blob can be read by tools like openssl
# E.g.: openssl asn1parse -in /tmp/test/asn1blob.asn -inform DER

# Let's read the ASN.1 DER data from disk
with open('/tmp/asn1der.asn', 'rb') as fh:
    asn1_der =

# Since it's an ASN.1 DER we have to use decode_asn1_der to deserialize it.
# Like all of these functions it allows for a desired format parameter.
# Data can always be converted to the next step in the pipeline but
# never backwards. It always happens in this order:
# RAW -> ASN1_DER -> ASN1 -> DICT
# Lets convert the blob to a DICT

data = decode_asn1_der(asn1_der, format='dict')

# Now lets re-encode the dict back to RAW and dump it as a QR code
# As it's a dict, we have to use encode_dict
rawdata = encode_dict(data, 'RAW')

# Now convert RAW to a QR code image
raw_to_qr('/tmp/qrcode.png', rawdata)

# Finally let's validate the QR Code!
validity = validate_raw(rawdata)

Example scripts

You can find some example python scripts here. E.g. how to fuzz some of the QR code fields or how to read (and validate) the QR from a webcam.

License and academic use

The program is licensed under the MIT License.

For academic use, use a presistent copy from DOI

Please cite:

Phil, T. (2021). Sikerdebaard/coronacheck-tools: v5 (v5) [Computer software]. Zenodo.


Unofficial tool to verify, encode and decode the domestic QR code from Not affiliated with or Ministry of VWS.








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