This is our final project for the NYU Shanghai DATS-SHU235 Information Visualization course
Ming Xian [email protected], Silvey Yu [email protected], Mingqian Zheng [email protected]
This is a visualization of world happiness scores from 2015 to 2021. It has the following:
(1) We show the geographical patterns of happiness scores with a color map.
(2) We used a multiple line chart to display average happiness score of different regions (continents).
(3) A sorted bar chart is used to display the top X happiest countries by descending order.
(4) A pie chart of the different contributing factors of happiness score will be displayed when the mouse hovers over an area on the color map.
(5) Linked highlighting is used between colorMap-multipleLineChart, colorMap-barChart.
World Happiness Dataset 2015-2022
d3, react, rechart
Visual Studio Code
npm install
npm i recharts
npx webpack server
Initial view
Linked highlighting of 3 charts
Linked highlighting (barChart -> GeoMap)
Linked highlighting (lingChart -> GeoMap)
A very beautiful tooltip on mouse over