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📌 `RybkaCore` bot is a scalping crypto-trading-bot that currently supports the following pair(s):

  ✅ EGLD - USDT (tested, used to be default, until USDT got no license in EU - 1st of Jan 2025)
  ✅ LINK - USDC (tested, default)
  ✅ ? - <stablecoin> (experimental) Mind that you have to use another ktbr file, if you used another trading pair and then switched it. Rename the current ktbr into ktbr_<trading_pair_used_for_this_file> in order to make the bot ignore it and create a new one for the trading pair in use

Note: You may use other trading pairs, as long as:

1. Their price in relative to the stablecoin side of the traing pair chosen is not a subunitary value and also is not expected to go on such a value level.
2. You do take notice this would be purely experimental, if you don't use the default pair in the meantime for good / stable results.
3. There is a valid trading pair forming as [<cryptocoin><stablecoin>]
4. There is a valid trading pair forming as [BNB<stablecoin>] (for fees)
  All Binance supported trade pair symbols are to be found here: HERE --> "symbol":"<some_symbol>"

📌 It uses 🔌 socket connection to Binance via the unicorn-binance-suite lib and does orders via python-binance lib

📌 It is a cross-OS software that has been tested on:

  ✅ Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)
  ✅ Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
  ✅ Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)
  ✅ Debian 10 (buster)

  ✅ Win 10
  ✅ Win 11

  ❔  Mac OS

❔   ⟹   not tested yet

- Here, cryptocoin refers to the other half of the stablecoin trading pair you will use.
    Example: in the EGLDUSDT pair, the cryptocoin would be EGLD

⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Before moving on, please understand that RybkaCore bot was created in the spirit of making profits by getting the best out of a market volatility. Still, this does NOT mean you can't lose money using it. (1) If you set up a lower amount of [RYBKA_MIN_PROFIT] than the one put in place, (2) if you use the bot in bull market, and then the price of the chosen cryptocoin in raport to the stablecoin drops dramatically and your coins remain bought very high on a price graph, rendering selling them highly unprofitable or (3) if unforeseen network / tech-related issues happen that somehow might make the bot behave unaccordingly to the purpose it was designed to, which is always being profitable for the user; or (4) if the stablecoin you use will experience a depeg event, silimar to what happened to USDT in the summer of 2023; or (5) any other situation I can't envision right now - then, in all of these cases, you might lose money (fiat / crypto). Yes, the bot is developed in good faith, but not everything can be predicted / dealt with;
❗️ In any case, you also have to understand that while such disclaimer is necessary, I'm confident enought to use this bot in LIVE mode, for myself, hence I'm pretty confident in its inner workings. As it's open-source it can easily be audited. If you find bugs in it, I'm open to discuss them and eventually solve, just let me know via an email.

❗️ Keep your bot up-to-date for benefiting from the features below and bugs fixes along the way

   Features supported

✅ Automated technical analysis (scalping mode) (based on a relative strength index - RSI)
✅ Add-on in case of network failures, local software failures that will restart the bot. If internet drops and it restarts, it will always grab back the work from where it left it
✅ Supports a LIVE MODE with connection to the actual Binance wallet of the user, as well as a DEMO MODE of the product, with fake data of a virtualized wallet
✅ Creates separate local logs, considering the MODE the bot is in and tracks those independently of each other across multiple runs
✅ Regular back-ups of important files
✅ Individual buy tracking
✅ Error catch mechanism and exception management
✅ Uptime tracking
✅ CLI-initiated / Telegram-initiated / GUI-initiated start
✅ Some weights can be set from ENV, others from an env_var_config file. This gives possibility for some vars to be updated on the fly, while the bot is running and alter its behavior
✅ CLI args for RYBKA_MODE values, to avoid faulty runs if RYBKA_MODE was to remain cached from ENV, even after the user had previously changed it
✅ Email notif. module. Informs the user about being low on BNB, or on stablecoin, or if an error occured and bot got a shutdown. Also sends emails on start / restart actions
✅ Dynamic adjustment (greediness) for buy-sell math of the trading pair
✅ Live wallet data displayed for the trade pair sides and commission, dynamic adjustment with each buy - sell
✅ Folder creation (timestamp included) with files containing important data of the current run and auto-archive system once the run is finished
✅ Make bot sell multiple bought crypto-coins at once, if signal allows it (dynamically)
✅ Upscale the trading quantity if user set it too low, so low that it hits the minimum 10💲lower limit Binance imposed for a buy action
✅ Clear profit tracked in time
✅ Nr. of buy trades tracked in time
✅ Colored log output based on log-level types (INFO, WARN, FATAL and DEBUG / VERBOSE / HIGH_VERBOSITY)
✅ Timestamp added on bot's actions - logs, back-ups, trades, etc
✅ Cross-OS support (Win / Linux-based)
✅ Checks which amount of the stablecoin is locked (in limit / stop orders, etc.) and avoids using it
✅ Local files check-up on each start / restart action, even integrity check for files' values
✅ Telegram notifier (passive mode)
✅ Telegram listener (interactive mode)
✅ Controls the resulted output files' size ✅ Implementation of an always buy policy in which it will always buy when the price goes up and has nothing / close to nothing to sell for a better profitability over the same timeframe & graph positioning of the currency-to-stable-coin raport
Safety net implementation for the preferred stablecoin
✅ When it remains without too much currency for trade fees (BNB) - it will automatically convert between 10 and 15 stablecoins into BNB. This, of course, doesn't take from the safety net of the stablecoin
✅ Added a submode to allow only BUYs and no SELLs. Can be controlled via a weight and of course - remotely, via Telegram
✅ Added a submode to allow only SELLs and no BUYs. Can be controlled via a weight and of course - remotely, via Telegram


As `rybka` is not a standalone executable software yet, for any of the aforementioned OS listed, it manages to achieve cross-OS status directly via `python3`. Currently compatible python versions:

  ✅ Python 3.6
  ✅ Python 3.7
  ✅ Python 3.8
  ✅ Python 3.9
  ✅ Python 3.10
  ✅ Python 3.11 (3.11.9 is last one tested)
  ❌ Python 3.12 (As of April 2024 - this version of python is identifying escape strings where there are just substring chars)

Hence, at the moment, you will need 🐍 python in your OS to run the software. Via pip, some modules would then come on top of your on-prem python installation. Follow these steps:

  1. Install the majority of needed libs via:
pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Downsgrade subdeps of unicorn-binance-suite, to respect the MIT License of that version:
pip install unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss==1.1.0 unicorn-binance-websocket-api==1.43.3 unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache==1.0.0 unicorn-binance-rest-api==1.6.0
  • And don't worry if you see something like this during the process, as long as it says it completed the installations successfully in the end:
  • I needed to impose such versioning limits in order to respect the MIT License HERE
  • If you would like to use their latest version of the unicorn-binance-suite library, which by the way, I strongly recommend you to do, as they are doing some awesome work over there, grab their latest version of the software (any 2.0.0) and obtain a license for it. I'll leave here and article with a more in-depth perspective

  1. While via pip3 you are able to install almost all of the modules, TA-Lib is not currently available to be installed from the official pypi list, hence you can download the wheel file that matches your python version and then install it via pip:

📁 Grab the file from 📦 HERE;
📁 For example: TA_Lib-0.4.28-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl will apply to Win's python v.3.11.x envs;
📁 Then you can go in the dir where the .whl file downloaded, and pip install <TA_Lib_file_name_you_downloaded>.whl using pip3 under the required python you previously used to install the other modules or within the pyenv's py ver. / etc. you use for the bot

❗️ Note: Bot currently requires admin-level access on Windows in order to run, for it to be able to constantly synchronize the time with NIST's server. This is NOT applicable for Linux-based distributions, where the de-sync issue has not been noticed

❗️ Note: Usually, the Windows installation should go somewhat like this:

   🔹Chocolatey module installation via Powershell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

   🔹Pyenv installation via Chocolatey:

choco install pyenv-win

   🔹Python installation via Pyenv versioning manager:

pyenv install --list       (to see the available py versions, run `pyenv update` for an updated DB)
pyenv install 3.<X>.<X>
pyenv global 3.<X>.<X>

   Getting started (Installation)

To run the software, beside the prerequisites, you will also need:

🔘 Some ENV variables set:

RYBKA_PYTHON_PATH string Desc: The absolute path to the python.exe that contains the libraries listed in this for running the software.

Note: this is only needed for GUI-initiated flows and RybkaSoft executable file(s) will run under system's python installation

(Get from environment)

Only for GUI-initiated flows
(RybkaSoft binary file(s))
RYBKA_DEBUG_LVL integer Desc: Enable more logs to flow out of the bot in CLI or even in Telegram, if used in conjuction with RYBKA_ALL_LOG_TLG_SWITCH var

Values ➡️ 1, 2 or 3,
otherwise leave it blank

1️⃣ ➜ Debug       
2️⃣ ➜ Verbose       
3️⃣ ➜ High Verbosity

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_ALLOW_ONLY_BUYS integer Desc: Submode for bot to allow only BUYs and NO SELLs

Values ➡️ 0 or 1

(Get from environment / Get from config file)
RYBKA_ALLOW_ONLY_SELLS integer Desc: Submode for bot to allow only SELLs and NO BUYs

Values ➡️ 0 or 1

(Get from environment / Get from config file)
RYBKA_TRADING_BOOST_LVL integer Desc: Values ➡️ 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5

1️⃣ ➜ Less
5️⃣ ➜ More

(Get from environment / config file)
RYBKA_MODE string Desc: Main modes for bot (LIVE means orders with real money and a real wallet, while DEMO means orders with mere numbers representing money and a virtualized wallet)

Values ➡️ DEMO or LIVE

(Get from cli args)
RYBKA_BIN_KEY string Desc: Binance Authorization KEY

(Get from environment)

if RYBKA_MODE is either LIVE or DEMO
RYBKA_BIN_SECRET string Desc: Binance Authorization SECRET

(Get from environment)

if RYBKA_MODE is either LIVE or DEMO
RYBKA_RSI_FOR_BUY integer Desc: RSI threshold value for BUY actions

Values ➡️ (0 ↔️ 50)

The higher the value, the more sensitive the bot on buy actions

Note: Adding or subtracting N to / from the value of [RYBKA_RSI_FOR_BUY] var does NOT imply adding or subtracting the same N value from its relative [RYBKA_RSI_FOR_SELL] var

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_RSI_FOR_SELL integer Desc: RSI threshold value for SELL actions

Values ➡️ (50 ↔️ 100)

The lower the value, the more sensitive the bot on sell actions

Note: Adding or subtracting N to / from the value of [RYBKA_RSI_FOR_SELL] var does NOT imply adding or subtracting the same N value from its relative [RYBKA_RSI_FOR_BUY] var

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_RSI_PERIOD integer Desc: RSI period of time
upon which the bot will gather data and take 1 decision

Values ➡️ (10 ↔️ )

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_TRADE_QUANTITY float with a minimum Binance-imposed requirement of stepSize=2

(no more than 2 decimals)
Desc: The crypto-coin amount to buy on each cryptocoin-stablecoin transaction

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_MIN_PROFIT float Desc: The stablecoin minimum profit, per transaction, that allows a SELL signal to complete

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_STABLECOIN_SAFETY_NET float Desc: The stablecoin amount in your Binance wallet (the stablecoin within the chosen trading pair) that you want the bot to NOT touch / use for buy actions

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_EMAIL_SWITCH boolean Desc: Enable / disable receiving important notifications via email

Values ➡️ True or False

True will enable Email Notifications
False will disable them

(Get from environment / config file)
RYBKA_EMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL string Desc: Email address of the account sending the email

(Get from environment / config file)

RYBKA_EMAIL_SENDER_DEVICE_PASSWORD string Desc: DEVICE password, not the emailbox password, (tested only with accounts) of the account sending the email

(Get from environment)

RYBKA_EMAIL_RECIPIENT_EMAIL string Desc: Email address of the account receiving the email

(Get from environment / config file)

RYBKA_EMAIL_RECIPIENT_NAME string Desc: Name of the person receiving the email

(Get from environment / config file)

RYBKA_DISCLAIMER boolean Desc: Enable / disable viewing bot's disclaimer for its usage

Values ➡️ True or False

True will enable a Safety Disclaimer
False will disable it

(Get from environment / config file)
RYBKA_DEMO_BALANCE_STABLECOIN float Desc: Amount of stablecoin the bot is provided with, in DEMO mode

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_DEMO_BALANCE_CRYPTOCOIN float Desc: Amount of cryptocoin the bot is provided with, in DEMO mode

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_DEMO_BALANCE_BNB float Desc: Amount of BNB the bot is provided with, in DEMO mode

(Get from config file)
RYBKA_TELEGRAM_SWITCH boolean Desc: Enable / disable receiving messages via Telegram

Values ➡️ True or False

True will enable Telegram Notifications
False will disable them

(Get from environment / config file)
RYBKA_TELEGRAM_API_KEY string Desc: Bot's Telegram Authorization KEY

(Get from environment)

RYBKA_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID string Desc: Bot's Telegram chat identificator

(Get from environment)

RYBKA_ALL_LOG_TLG_SWITCH boolean Desc: Enable / disable receiving additional logs from CLI via Telegram

Values ➡️ True or False

True will enable the flow of shell's logs into Telegram chat
False will disable them

(Get from environment / config file)

🔘 python3 command available to run the bot under it. Make sure all of the libs are installed under the python version considered by the python3 command. Do the necessary update-alternatives / symlinks, if needed;

🔘 Some stablecoin for the buy actions that'll happen within your Binance wallet;

🔘 Some BNB amount in your Binance wallet (this is the currency used for trades' commission; ~100 trades = 1$ commission);

🔘 And, of course, an internet connection.

   🔴 Breakpoints? (not really) 🔴

🔴 If the price of BNB would hit 24001 $ / stablecoins (bnb_candle_close_price=24000), bot's script part:

bnb_min_buy_share = bnb_candle_close_price / 12
bnb_min_order_quantity = round(float(1 / bnb_min_buy_share), 3)

=> would make bnb_min_order_quantity get assigned the value of 0.0, which is below the LOT_SIZE's minQty of 0.001, for, let's take, the BNBUSDT pair:

=> thus the buy order of more BNB with USDT - would fail. This, of course, could've represented a breakpoint, but it got solved by enforcing a minimum of 0.001 BNB to be bought in such scenario; which may then only fail if there isn't enough USDT in the account, look, we'll most probably never face this, ever;

🔴 If the price of the cryptocoin would skyrocket, meaning that (in the EGLDUSDT example) less than 0.01 EGLD would represent more than 10 USDT [the minimum imposed coin quantity per order for EGLDUSDT pair (the MIN_NOTIONAL's minNotional value in the image below)], then the LOT_SIZE's minQty of 0.01, for EGLDUSDT pair would not be met, thus failing the transaction;

=> Now, of course, this also got solved, by imposing a minimum quantity of 0.01 on this pair, no matter what the user imposes within config.ini file and no matter the auto-adjustment engine done of the bot, in case the user set the value too low;

🔴 If you encounter a ujson module related error upon starting the bot (not all experience this error), follow the last path in the StackTrace of the error and modify the line within the files (~3 files) where the import of this lib is done from ujson to json;
import ujson as json becomes import json
import ujson becomes import json

   🟡 Notes

🟣 What is ktbr? It stands for keep-the-business-running and is the most important file created by the bot. It keeps track of bot's buy transactions in an individual way. There is also an integrity function (to which you'll see a log in terminal) that runs once in a while that constantly verifies if the user has not altered the amount of balances the bot is aware of, in the cloud. If there is a misalignment - it will stop and let you know about it. The sum of cryptocoin across all the buy transactions in the ktbr file should at all times be equal or less than the sum of cryptocoin you have in your Binance account. Should you want to transfer some to any other wallet, edit this ktbr file, while keeping its json format;

❗️ Note for shutting down the bot: It can be done in two safe ways.
    1 Via Telegram command /stop_rybka
    2 Via CLI by pressing together, jsut once, ctrl+c. The moment you do this, bot will begin the shutdown process showing such log:

  • Please wait for a few seconds until you see this continuation in your terminal:

  • Moment in which you can press y and hit Enter. That way you made sure you didn't sped up the process and cut it "mid-air".
  • One other mention though, is that the above happens within a cmd shell within Visual Studio Code in Windows, but in a Linux distro, in a usual terminal window, it might look differently:

  • The ^C represent the ctrl+c action, after which it safely got shutdown by itself, without a further need to press y and hit Enter.

❗️ Note for transaction fees: For each transaction the bot is doing (buy or sell), it is paying a fee of 0.08% of the trading-quantity-of-the-coin * current-coin-price;

❗️ Note for minimum profit: [RYBKA_MIN_PROFIT] ENV var's value represents a gross value. So that it will be auto-adjusted to a higher value and inform the user upon action, if the user sets it to be so small that the net minimum (RYBKA_MIN_PROFIT-commision per a specific transaction) is below 80% (It had to be at least 50%, as even if the profit is grabbed once, per sell transaction, the fee is also considered at the buy phase, so 80% is a very good margin) of the gross [RYBKA_MIN_PROFIT]. This is calculated individually, on each sell transaction;

❗️ Note for trade quantity: [RYBKA_TRADE_QUANTITY] ENV var's value represents the trading quantity per transaction, but if this is too low when mutiplied with the current price of 1 cryptocoin / stablecoin, it may result in a trade sum less than 10 stablecoins, which is NOT permitted by Binance, hence RybkaCore will auto-adjust the quantity to a higher one and inform the user upon action;

❗️ Note for the MOST efficient way of using the bot respective to profit: try to aproximate the nr. of [RYBKA_TRADE_QUANTITY] you can buy by considering the price of cryptocoin in stablecoins and thinking how many pieces of cryptocurrency you would buy with the sum of stablecoins you have in your account, so that it will result in at least 30 possible buys. This will comply with the best inner policies in the bot, to maximize the profit. You can surely use RybkaCore with whichever sum of money, anyway, but it won't guarantee the optimal results, still, it will be capable of making considerable profits. Pay attention that when the bot will try to make a buy, it will also tell you in the terminal the possible number of buys (so it will also calculate itself those) and pay attention that the minimum possible order is of 10$ per Binance, but actually a minimum of ~12$, per bot's inner logic. If you let the bot run with the predefined value of [RYBKA_TRADE_QUANTITY] found in config.ini - it will automatically calculate the minimum [RYBKA_TRADE_QUANTITY] required for it to always buy the smallest possible chunk of cryptocoin, so you can safely just leave it do its thing and this way let it maximize the number of possible buys;

❗️ Note for the cryptocurrency the bot will consider. It will use only the stablecoin appearing / added later on (while the bot runs) in Binance and the BNB for taxes per orders (also considered on-the-fly). But it will NOT consider the new cryptocoin added into Binance, only the one that it bought already in the current / previous runs (tracked in the ktbr file). If some of the stablecoin is removed, better stop the bot before that action and restart it afterwards, as it might fail if the remainder amount is so low that it cannot even make 1 more buy, if you'll let it run. If you can grant it at least some 1-2 buys "space", then remove the stablecoin on-the-go, it will recalibrate itself. Same applies to the cryptocoin, if you want to move it out of Binance, but this will be possible to be safely removed via a tool that will be developed in the future via this ticket. Till then, the only way to make the bot work without errors when you move the cryptocoin (that bot previously bought) out of Binance, is to tweak accordingly the ktbr file in the LIVE folder of the bot; operation which might be dangerous if the result won't be compliant to the json format of the file's content or with the balance of cryptocoin remaining in Binance, but can be done with ease if paying attention;

❗️ Note for the temporary files the bot will create & consider. Do not delete those, it will only make the process insignificantly slower, just let them persist;

❗️ Note for the actual run of the software. You are allowed to run two instances of the bot in different parts of the system / different PCs (one in DEMO mode, one in LIVE mode and in different paths within the system / folders). You can even run N instances of DEMO bots or 1 x LIVE and N DEMO bots, but please:
  Never run more than 1 LIVE version of the bot, as it will corrupt each other's data!

❗️ Note for the [RYBKA_TELEGRAM_API_KEY] var: For Telegram notifications, you'll need to create your own Telegram bot in the Telegram app. Simply search for BotFather among "Contacts", then type in that chat /newbot and follow instructions to create one and grab the API KEY that you need to set in your env as a value for the RYBKA_TELEGRAM_API_KEY var;

❗️ Note for the [RYBKA_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID] var: In order to grab this value go to this link:<replace_with_your_value_for_RYBKA_TELEGRAM_API_KEY>/getUpdates, then type something in the chat of your newly created bot (not in the same chat for BotFather!). The message you typed should be visible there as an API payload. Grab the value for the RYBKA_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID var from there - find it within such structure "chat":{"id":<your_chat_id_value>,. Add it to the ENV;

❗️ Notes for the [RYBKA_BIN_KEY] / [RYBKA_BIN_SECRET] vars:

🔸 Opt out of Binance's Default Security Controls policy for their generated API Keys, if you don't want to have the API Key tied to your IP address in order to be able to give it permissions for Spot & Margin Trading. You will find the checkbox to be avoided while you will try to generate an API Key in Binance's GUI:

🔸 Make sure to hit the checkbox in order to Enable Spot & Margin Trading after you have generated the key and secret in Binance. Checkbox has to turn yellow.

🔸 In Binance's GUI a white tick inside a black checkbox does not mean checked! Only a white tick on yellow background would mean enabled (as in the picture above). I know... confusing...

❗️ Note: Recommendation for having the best UI output - running Rybka software into a cmd shell within Visual Studio Code

❗️ Note: Recommendation for having the best uptime (this includes opting out of Binance's Default Security Controls policy, to be sure your Public IP won't change, as unfortunately, Binance does NOT offer the variant of having a dynamic DNS, which would've solved this part otherwise) and better profit return (only due to low electricity cost) - running Rybka software on a Raspberry PI 4 connected directly to a UPS:

I should also mention that a small screen connected to the Raspberry PI, is s truly useful addition: aesthetically, but functionally as well (like when you can use touch screen to connect to another network if one dropped, etc.). Pretty cool to see in real-time what it does, without Teamviewer or other solutions, when you are at home:

OR: if you prefer Windows and especially hate arm64 architectures, you can try Chuwi's small PCs or any other mini-PC out there with low power consumption.

❗️ Note: Running the bot with higher trading quantities or lower will NOT mean the taxes - compared to your profits will vary, as tax is a percentage of the trading quantity moved around. Profit - taxes report can only be increased in your favor if you run the bot with a higher profit margin, per trade;

▶️ For Win -> you can run directly the RybkaSoft.exe file and start the needed process(es) from that GUI; or via a CLI (no GUI presentation screen) with admin priviledges with python3 -m <mode>. Mode is either of "demo" or "live".

▶️ For Linux however -> you have to grant executable permissions via chmod +x RybkaSoft and then still run it via terminal with ./RybkaSoft cmd, unfortunately, for it to boot correctly; or via a CLI (no GUI presentation screen) without sudo / root priviledges with python3 -m <mode>. Mode is either of "demo" or "live".

▶️ (Win / Linux) The Telegram Listener (Telegram interactive part) module (which is only the listener part where user can input commands and info. will be provided for each) is to be started by Rybka bot directly when it runs, as a subshell, without any user action.

Let's have a sneak peek into it, shall we? 🖥

🗃 Booting up the bot (images from v.6.x.x-beta):

🗃 Telegram Listener (interactive) module appearance in logs (images from v.6.x.x-beta):

🗃 Telegram logs on mobile (images from v.6.x.x-beta):

More to know

🟣 Contributors

If you are willing to have your stress level increased by:
  ☢️ fixing the stuff in here
  ☣️ optimizing those lines of code
  💡 coming up with bright ideas for new features

=> Send me an email to [email protected] and I'll consider your request. If granted, you'll be provided a developer role within the project and can help towards issuing MRs that will eventually be reviewed by myself - to make sure the integrity of the tool is kept.

...but pay attention, the BOARD-FOR-ROADMAP is full!

And the road is long and full of tERRORs!


👨‍💼 Silviu-Iulian Muraru Contact Data



Release lifecycle phases Current lifecycle phase Estimated date(s) of start / finish
   ✔️ ALPHA August 2022 (finished)
   ✔️ BETA / BETA TESTING September 2022 to May 2023
   💻 RELEASE CANDIDATE May 2023 (started)
   💻 GA


🔜 There are still some pieces to move:

   ♛  Price alerts, via inputs
   ♙  Additional RSI periods or indexes, for a better and broader view
   ♗  Unit testing + coverage, for better integrity. Safer / quicker testing

And, of course, bug fixing 🪓

Happy trading!

And remember...