Numerov library contains many classes in order to solve the Schrodinger equation, for what concern the most complicated functions we furnished both a numba version and a classic python version, in these users without numba are still able to use to most important function of the library. are test small programm testing functionalities of Numerov library. is a program finding the energy for various radius and energy level for a Coulomb plus radial_well potential contain the program that create gif of evolution of the eigenfunction with increasing radius of radial well potential
pictures is a folder containing many graph, in particular: *pictures of wavefunctions for diffrent potentials *potentials graphs *final resullt of relative energy errors graph *gif
test_results is a folder containg results of file
results is the folder containg results obtained for the project contain the test of the potential -1/r-delta(r), as delta function we used a smeared delta function, what we have done is to use different value of a in the gaussain representation of the delta and see the 1S resulting energy eigenvalue. plot many representations of our delta function with different a
delta_1st_order fit find results for a dirac delta plus coulomb potential approxiamted at first order, result of this are in results
c_delta_with_a find results for a regulated coulomb plus a smeared delta potential fitting the best value of c, results are found in results
effective_fit perform the search for best values of c and d that minimize square error
effective_low perfeorm the search for best value of c and d that makes low energy matching plot data of the project generates data compare energy, squared eigenfunction in the origin and expected momentum to the fourth for data and effective case