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Releases available on Modrinth

Simple plugin for handling direct messaging that features:

  • Message and Reply
  • Toggle messages on or off
  • Block users
  • Custom formatting with Placeholder API integration
  • Social Spy
  • Ability to message users from the console, and them to message back


Command Permission What it do
/msg <player> <message> message.basic.send Send a private message to another user
/msgtoggle message.basic.toggle Enables/disables recieving private messages
/r <message> message.basic.send Replies to the last person you were talking to
/block <user> <reason> message.basic.block Prevents this user from private messaging you
/unblock <user> message.basic.block Allows this user to private message you again
/blocklist message.basic.block See the list of users you have blocked
/socialspy Toggles whether the user can see the logged messages of other users
/spmreload message.reload Reloads the plugin configuration and messages


Permission Default What it do
message.reload OP Allows reloading the config/locale
message.basic.* true Gives all basic messaging functionality
message.basic.send true Allows sending messages
message.basic.receive true Allows receiving messages
message.basic.toggle true Allows toggling direct messages on or off
message.basic.block true Allows blocking, unblocking, and listing your blocked users
message.admin.* OP Gives all subsequent admin permissions
message.admin.override OP Allows messaging users who have their messages disabled, have you blocked, or do not have the receive permission OP Shows a log of direct messages being sent between players
message.admin.console-spy OP Shows a log of any direct messages being sent between the console and players (from this plugin) OP Prevents messages you send or messages being sent to you from being shown to others with social spy
message.bypass.command-spy OP Prevents commands you send from being shown to social spy

PlaceholderAPI integration

You can use placeholderAPI placeholders in the messages in the config by doing: <papi:placeholder>
You will need to remove any % from the placeholder, and put in the text alone, so for the placeholder %player_displayname% you would use <papi:player_displayname> in the file here.
You will need placeholderAPI installed for those placeholders to work

Note: This only works in the config.yml

This will not work for messages in the locale.yml