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- Added a Tank frustration modification which will grant the Tank a period of time where frustration is frozen (or given additional grace period if they still have it)
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SirPlease committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent 3da1c23 commit f357781
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Showing 2 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions.
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208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions addons/sourcemod/scripting/l4d2_tankrage.sp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#include <sourcemod>
#include <left4dhooks>
#include <colors>
#include <l4d2_boss_percents>

ConVar convarRageFlowPercent;
ConVar convarRageFreezeTime;
ConVar convarDebug;
ConVar g_hVsBossBuffer;

Handle hTankTimer;

libraryBossPercentAvailable = false;

int iTank = -1;
int tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow = 0;

public Plugin myinfo =
name = "L4D2 Tank Rage",
author = "Sir",
description = "Manage Tank Rage when Survivors are running back.",
version = "1.0",
url = ""

public void OnPluginStart()
g_hVsBossBuffer = FindConVar("versus_boss_buffer");
convarRageFlowPercent = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankrage_flowpercent", "7", "The percentage in flow the survival have to run back to grant frustration freeze (Furthest Survivor)");
convarRageFreezeTime = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankrage_freezetime", "4.0", "Time in seconds to freeze the Tank's frustration when survivors have ran back per <flowpercent>.");
convarDebug = CreateConVar("l4d2_tankrage_debug", "0", "Are we debugging?");
HookEvent("tank_spawn", Event_TankSpawn);
HookEvent("round_start", Event_ResetTank, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_ResetTank, EventHookMode_Post);

public void OnAllPluginsLoaded()
libraryBossPercentAvailable = LibraryExists("l4d_boss_percent");

public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] name)
if (strcmp(name, "l4d_boss_percent") == 0) libraryBossPercentAvailable = false;

public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name)
if (strcmp(name, "l4d_boss_percent") == 0) libraryBossPercentAvailable = true;

public void L4D_OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea_Post()
if (libraryBossPercentAvailable)
tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow = GetStoredTankPercent();
tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow = L4D2Direct_GetVSTankFlowPercent(InSecondHalfOfRound()) ? RoundToNearest(L4D2Direct_GetVSTankFlowPercent(InSecondHalfOfRound()) * 100.0) : 0;

public void Event_TankSpawn(Event hEvent, char[] sEventName, bool dontBroadcast)
iTank = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid"));

if (convarDebug.BoolValue)
PrintToChatAll("[%s]: %N is Tank", sEventName, iTank);

if (bHaveHadFlowOrStaticTank)

This is needed for maps that do not have a flow tank.
We will however be checking if the map is the last map in the campaign as we don't want to mess with finale tanks
tankSpawnedSuvivorFlow will always be 0 for static tanks, so we need to rely on another method in this check.
if (tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow == 0)
if (L4D_IsMissionFinalMap())

tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow = min(RoundToNearest(((L4D2_GetFurthestSurvivorFlow() + g_hVsBossBuffer.FloatValue) / L4D2Direct_GetMapMaxFlowDistance()) * 100.0), 100);

if (!IsFakeClient(iTank))
CPrintToChatAll("{red}[{default}Tank Rage{red}] {default}For every {olive}%i{green}%% {default}Survivors run back, the Tank will have their frustration frozen for {olive}%0.1f {green}seconds{default}.", convarRageFlowPercent.IntValue, convarRageFreezeTime.FloatValue);
hTankTimer = CreateTimer(0.1, timerTank, _, TIMER_REPEAT)
bHaveHadFlowOrStaticTank = true;

public void Event_ResetTank(Event hEvent, char[] sEventName, bool dontBroadcast)
if (strcmp(sEventName, "player_death") == 0)
char sVictimName[32];
hEvent.GetString("victimname", sVictimName, sizeof(sVictimName), "None");

if (strcmp(sVictimName, "Tank") != 0)
bHaveHadFlowOrStaticTank = false;
tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow = 0;
iTank = -1;

if (convarDebug.BoolValue)
PrintToChatAll("[%s]: Everything is reset!", sEventName);

delete hTankTimer;

public Action timerTank(Handle timer)
if (IsClientInGame(iTank) && !IsFakeClient(iTank))
int current = GetBossProximity();

if (current == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;

int diff = tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow - current;
int flowPercent = convarRageFlowPercent.IntValue;

if (diff >= flowPercent)
float fTimeToAdd = 0.0;

for (int i = diff; i >= flowPercent; i -= flowPercent)
tankSpawnedSurvivorFlow -= flowPercent;
fTimeToAdd += convarRageFreezeTime.FloatValue;

int tankFrustration = 100 - L4D_GetTankFrustration(iTank);
float fTankGrace = CTimer_GetRemainingTime(GetFrustrationTimer(iTank));

if (fTankGrace < 0.0) fTankGrace = 0.0;

if (convarDebug.BoolValue)
PrintToChatAll("\x04[\x03%N\x04]\x01: Flow Difference since last check: %i", iTank, diff);
PrintToChatAll("\x04[\x03%N\x04]\x01: Frus: \x03%i \x01- Grace: \x03%f\x04s", iTank, tankFrustration, fTankGrace);
PrintToChatAll("\x04[\x03%N\x04]\x01: Set Grace To: \x03%f\x04s", iTank, fTankGrace + fTimeToAdd);

fTankGrace += fTimeToAdd;
CTimer_Start(GetFrustrationTimer(iTank), fTankGrace);

return Plugin_Continue;

int GetBossProximity()
float fSurvivorCompletion = GetMaxSurvivorCompletion();

if (fSurvivorCompletion == 0.0)
return 0;

float proximity = fSurvivorCompletion + g_hVsBossBuffer.FloatValue / L4D2Direct_GetMapMaxFlowDistance();

return RoundToNearest(((proximity > 1.0) ? 1.0 : proximity) * 100.0);

float GetMaxSurvivorCompletion()
float flow = 0.0, tmp_flow = 0.0, origin[3];
Address pNavArea;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == 2 && IsPlayerAlive(i)) {
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, origin);
pNavArea = L4D2Direct_GetTerrorNavArea(origin);
if (pNavArea != Address_Null) {
tmp_flow = L4D2Direct_GetTerrorNavAreaFlow(pNavArea);
flow = (flow > tmp_flow) ? flow : tmp_flow;
else return 0.0;

return (flow / L4D2Direct_GetMapMaxFlowDistance());

CountdownTimer GetFrustrationTimer(int client)
static int s_iOffs_m_frustrationTimer = -1;
if (s_iOffs_m_frustrationTimer == -1)
s_iOffs_m_frustrationTimer = FindSendPropInfo("CTerrorPlayer", "m_frustration") + 4;

return view_as<CountdownTimer>(GetEntityAddress(client) + view_as<Address>(s_iOffs_m_frustrationTimer));

return GameRules_GetProp("m_bInSecondHalfOfRound");

int min(int a, int b)
return a < b ? a : b;

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