A Multi SSH & API Manager CLI
Eruptsy => Project Director, Bug/Vuln Checker, Planner
Lamp07 => DB & V-Web API Base
Catty => Manager Base
Vizionxz => Logger System
- DB (MySQL)
- Users Table
- APIs Table
- Spoofs Table
- Manager CLI
- Input + Cmd Handler
- TUI Prompt
- Keybinds
- Crud + Crud Utils
- Create, Read, Update, Delete Users
- Create, Read, Update, Delete APIs
- Create, Read, Update, Delete Spoofs
- Attack System
- IPv4/URL Validation
- Port Validation
- Time Validation
- Conn Validation
- Logger
- Error Logger
- Attack Logger
- RCE Attacker Protection
- Discord Webhook for logs
- This source was developed on linux. So most of the stuff on the tutorial below is about linux unless noted for windows
- V
sudo apt install libssl-dev