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Patch Release 2.8.6

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@Moderocky Moderocky released this 01 Jun 19:45
· 482 commits to master since this release

Skript 2.8.6

Skript 2.8.6 is here. This release delivers more bug fixes with improved 1.20.5+ support. Additionally, a few quality-of-life features have made their way in. You can report any issues through our issue tracker.

Happy Skripting!



  • #6652 Added missing item drop event values (dropped item and itemstack)
  • #6654 Improved the subcommand help colours in the /skript command.
  • #6655 Added support for modifying the exploded blocks in an explode event.

Bug Fixes

  • #6624 Fixed unexpected math parsing issues that could occur when using variables.
  • #6642 Fixed an error that could occur from Skript attempting to normalize zero vectors.
  • #6644 Fixed an issue with damaging and repairing items in slots.
  • #6646 Fixed an issue where obtaining the max durability of a custom item did not work.
  • #6679 Fixed an issue where beta releases were considered stable by the update checker.
  • #6683 Fixed an issue where syntaxes could modify the stored values of literals.
  • #6716 Fixed numerous particle issues that occurred when using Minecraft 1.20.5+.
  • #6724 Fixed an issue where forcing an entity to at a vector failed.
  • #6742 Fixed an issue with obtaining an entity's target that could occur when no blocks were within 100 meters.
  • #6746 Fixed an issue where dropped items could not be spawned properly.
  • #6747 Fixed an issue where obtaining the location of an inventory holder did not work.
  • #6752 Fixed an issue where spawning specific fish types (other than tropical fish) did not work.

API Updates / For Addon Developers

  • #6624 Expressions can now declare multiple potential return types. This allows for providing more context regarding the return type of an expression (for example, Entity and Block compared to their shared supertype Object).
  • #6684 Our code standards for the project have been updated. Please review the linked PR for an overview of the changes.
  • #6700 The manner in which failed JUnit tests are displayed has been improved.

Click here to view the full list of commits made since 2.8.5


Java 11

From Skript 2.9.0 onwards, we will be requiring a minimum Java version of 11 to run.

Help Us Test

We have an official Discord community for beta testing Skript's new features and releases.

Thank You

Special thanks to the contributors whose work was included in this version:

As always, if you encounter any issues or have some minor suggestions, please report them at
If you have any bigger ideas or input for the future of Skript, you can share those too at