Build a front-end implementation as well as a back-end service to extract videos from PowerPoint documents. This should be done by implementing a simple Next.js front-end that posts a file to a Python server. The front-end is also already implemented in the /frontend folder. You only need to add the necessary logic to switch between the steps and convert the file via the API that you're going to build.
- The tool will be on a webpage similar to:
- Figma Design:
- Should be implemented in Python.
- Extracting Videos from PowerPoint using a zip utility. This should support multiple processes in parallel. Preferably with a queue.
- The API should consist of one endpoint (POST /extract), which should do the following:
Extracts the videos from the PowerPoint
Uploads the videos to Amazon S3 via boto3
Creates a presigned URL for the user to download
Returns the presigned S3 url/urls to the client which allows the user to download the file (by opening the url in new tab)
- The front-end should in terms of UX work similarly to
- Uses a queuing system like Celery and Redis
- The logic of the front-end ideally should not rely on useEffect too much since it can be difficult to track what is happening
- Tests
- Use conventional commit message style:
- Lint your code
- Keep commits clean
- Setup with Docker Compose