This service provides a communication endpoint for gateways to
- send device-metadata
- send device-events / sensor data
- receive commands for devices
The communication with gateways occurs by websocket.
The connector logs connects/disconnects,
formats event-data to the platform-intern format
and relays them to kafka.
- handler:
- contains called handler
- for client-to-server it can contain the strings clear, put, remove, commit, event, response
- for server-to-client it can contain the strings response and command
- token:
- used to link a response to a request
- user defines the token in request envelope
- platform returns same token in matching response envelope
- payload:
- contains information to transmit
- can be json object, array, number or string
- content_type:
- only in platform response or command
- hint for type of payload
- can be int64, map, slice, string
- from golang
--> type.go kindNames
- status:
- informs about success or failure of request
- only in platform response
- semantics of http status codes
- currently only 200, 400 and 500 in use
- WS to
- immediately after connecting Client has to send his Credentials:
{user: "<<user_name>>", pw: <<user_password>>, token: "<<token>>", gid: "<<gateway_id>>"}
- credentials request does not use the envelope
- response arrives on the normal response handler
- response-payload:
{"gid": "<<gateway_id>>", "hash": "<<hash>>"}
- if the requested gateway_id is unknown the platform will create a new gateway and returns its id
- the returned hash is the same as from the last successful commit request
- handshake with previously stored gateway_id or "" as gid
- save returned gid
- compute hash of current devices and compare with response hash
- if hashes are not equal
- use clear handler to reset gateway
- use put handler to add devices to gateway
- use commit handler to commit new hash to gateway
- resets gateway to initial state, without hash and devices, should be called if received hash is not consistent to local devices hash
- handler: clear
- payload: empty
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 500, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- start listening to commands for this device; allows events for this device to be send; if the device is unknown, it will be created; changes of device name and tags will be transmitted to the iot-repository
- handler: put
- payload:
{"iot_type": "<<device_type_id>>", "uri": "<<device_uri>>", "name": "<<device_name>>", "tags": ["<<tag_1>>"]}
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 400, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- status: 500, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- payload properties:
- iot_type: id of deviceType from iot-repository
- uri: identifier for the device; should be unique
- tags: a list of tags; a tag is a string with 2 parts separated by ':'; only the second part will be displayed in the ui; the first part is used as a key to identify tag changes;
["<<key>>:<<value>>", "location:leipzig"]
"name":"Dummy Meter",
"type:Smart Meter"
- stop listening to commands for this device; events for this device will return error
- handler: disconnect
- payload:
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 400, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- status: 500, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- deletes device from the SEPL-Platform and stops listening to commands for this device
- handler: delete
- payload:
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 400, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- status: 500, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- associate all currently listened to devices with the gateway; on reconnect all the current listening state will be restored; saves hash for the gateway; hash will be used in connection handshake, to check for device changes
- handler: commit
- payload:
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 400, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- status: 500, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- send data to the platform
- handler: event
- payload:
{"device_uri": "<<device_uri>>", "service_uri": "<<service_uri>>", "value": <<protocol_parts>> }
- payload.value (<<protocol_parts>>) is a list of protocol_parts:
[{"name": "<<protocol_part_name>>", "value": "<<protocol_part_value>>"}]
- protocol_part_name is the name of a protocolpart (e.g. header or body in the http protocol)
- protocol_part_value is the value associated with the protocolpart
- protocol_part_value is always transmitted as a string
- payload.value (<<protocol_parts>>) is a list of protocol_parts:
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 400, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- status: 500, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
"value":"{\"value\": 93.786, \"unit\": \"kWh\", \"time\": \"2017-10-16T11:36:18.306126\"}",
- send response to received command
- handler: response
- payload: reuse command message and overwrite payload.protocol_parts with the command results
- protocol_parts are as described in events
- protocol_parts can be null if no result output is expected
- for the user relevant fields are device_url, service_url, and protocol_parts
- other fields are mandatory and should remain unchanged but are irrelevant for the user (these fields may be removed in the future)
- response:
- status: 200, payload: "ok", content_type: "string"
- status: 400, payload: "error_desc", content_type: "string"
- respond to user request
- handler: response
- ref envelope
- receive command for device
- respond with command-response
- payload as described in command-response
"value":"{\n \"on\": true\n}\n"
- Command-Responses are forwarded to the config.KafkaResponseTopic kafka topic
- Commands are read from the config.KafkaConsumerTopic kafka topic
- From Kafka received commands have the following format:
- device_id is the id of the device from the SEPL-Device-Repository, where all '#' are replaced with '_'
- the 'device_id' prefix is used for the message forwarding in ktrouter
- ktrouter (fg-seits/ktrouter) forwards commands from config.KafkaSourceTopic to config.KafkaConsumerTopic if the command corresponds to a device registered by listen_to_devices
- the command is forwarded to the websocket without the 'device_id:' prefix (but with the command prefix)
"value":"{\"level\":\"on\",\"title\":\"Dummy Device\",\"updateTime\":1500553405}"
- Events are transformed from the in SEPL-Device-Repository specified format to json and forwarded to kafka
- with a wrapper to a service specific topic (SEPL with '_' replacing '#')
- with a wrapper and prefix to config.KafkaEventTopic (SEPL + "." + with '_' replacing '#')
- if a eventfilter for the service is registered and running the config.KafkaEventTopic message will be used and forwarded by the ktrouter using the given prefix.
- other analytics services can use the service specific topic
"value":"{\"level\":\"on\",\"title\":\"Dummy Device\",\"updateTime\":1500550320}"
Kafka-Message to config.KafkaEventTopic
"title":"Dummy Device",
Kafka-Message to (iot_5c290b9e-fa92-4a1a-a294-7303188e0076)
"title":"Dummy Device",
Note that the field metrics in the Kafka-Messages has not the same meaning as the metrics in the Client-Message. In the Client-Message it is the name of the Protocol-Part. In the Kafka-Message it is the User-Given name of the output-variable. That these names are equal is coincidental because the user chose to use the same name for this variable as the for the protocol-part.