This tool allows users to compare statistics about repositories and make aggregations across all of them. You can ingest git repositories and make queries like "Who deleted the most files in all repositories?" or "Which users contributed to a given subset of repositories?". Data is uploaded to HDFS and queries are made with Spark, all containerized with Docker.
- Ingest git metadata to HDFS about any repository
- See summarized overview about the loaded repositories on auto-generated graphs
- Query Spark dataframe with the provided SQL interface
- See how Spark executes queries. Some important Spark operations are highlighted in the query plan, such as pushed partition filters or shuffles
git clone
cd GitQuery
docker compose up [--scale spark-worker=2]
#start queries on http://localhost:8501
This will launch
- HDFS containers
- datanode
- namenode with UI on http://localhost:9870
- Spark containers
- Spark Master with UI on http://localhost:8080
- Spark workers
- scaled with the command above
- each has two executors and 2GB memory
- The streamlit app
- interact on http://localhost:8501
- see the spark driver UI on http://localhost:4040 when a job is running
- A jupyter notebook
- http://localhost:8888
- To experiment with Spark and HDFS
To get the data, the User has to give a git repository URL and press ingest. Once cloned, a gitlog file is generated and uploaded to HDFS. After this Spark (with the app running the driver code) will read the file and parse it to a dataframe containing information about file changes, author, date, repository etc. The RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) is then written back to HDFS in parquet. The data is partitioned over the repository name (repo_id) and also the first character of the authors' emails to serve as a sparse index for queries (examples under Querying)
A local benchmark about how additional cores speed up ingest times of bigger repositories exploiting Spark's parallelism
Querying involves reading the ingested git metadata with Spark and running queries on the RDD.
Apart from the auto-generated graphs, an SQL interface is also provided to interact with the RDDs more freely. You can run your own SQL commands on the Spark RDD and see the result dataframe directly on the app. Additionally, you can take a look at the spark query plan, with some operations highlighted as seen below.
We can see that in this query Spark does not use the author_first_char partition filter and thus reading all files from HDFS
If We add the author_first_char filter explicitly in the SQL query Spark will pick it up and use it as a partitionFilter, reading only a relevant subsets of the HDFS files
- Py4JNetworkError: Answer from Java side is empty: When ingesting big repositories (several tens of thousands of commits), try increasing the spark-worker memory parameter in the docker-compose file, Spark might have run out of memory
- Cannot access Jupyter notebook on http://localhost:8888
it requires a password: You can run the following command to see the token
that you have to paste on the UI
docker exec jupyter jupyter notebook list
- Git repository does not exist:
If the repository is private you can try logging in with your git credentials
in the streamlit docker container with
docker exec
, this container is responsible for cloning.