Simulate computational models, such as Turing machines.
It also supports the conversion of a computational model into a computational model that simulates it.
This can be used in Typescript.
Code (Folded)
import { TMRuleSet, TMStateFrom, TMSymbolFrom, TuringMachine } from "computation-system";
// Create symbol and states.
let [A, B, Blank] = TMSymbolFrom("A", "B", "S");
let [q1, q2, qf] = TMStateFrom("q1", "q2", "qf");
// Create rule set.
let ruleset = TMRuleSet.builder()
.add(A, B, "R")
.add(B, A, "R", q2)
.add(B, B, "R", qf)
//Create Turing Machine!
let tm = new TuringMachine(Blank, ruleset, q1, qf);
// Start Turing Machine.
tm.start([[A, A, B, B], 0]);
// Proceed. The system will automatically stop.
// Get now configuration(operation-dependent information) of Turing Machine.
const afterConfig = tm.getConfiguration()!;
// Print tape of Turing Machine.
Code (Folded)
import { TagSystem, TagSystemLetterFrom, TagSystemRuleSet } from "computation-system";
// Create letters.
const [a, b, c, H] = TagSystemLetterFrom("a", "b", "c", "H");
// Create rule set.
const ruleset = TagSystemRuleSet.builder()
.add(a, [c, c, b, a, H])
.add(b, [c, c, a])
.add(c, [c, c])
//Create Tag System!
const ts = new TagSystem(2, ruleset);
// Start Tag System.
ts.start([[b, a, a]]);
// Proceed. The system will automatically stop.
// Get now configuration(operation-dependent information) of Tag System.
const afterConfig = ts.getConfiguration()!;
// Print tape of Tag System.
Code (Folded)
import {
} from "computation-system";
// Let's make "Turing Machine" which simulates "2-Tag System". (Yurii Rogozhin. Small universal Turing machines. Theoretical Computer Science, 168(2):215–240, 1996.)
//Create 2-Tag System first.
//(If it started with ABB, The computation will be ABB -> BBH -> HA.)
const [A, B, H] = TagSystemLetterFrom("A", "B", "H");
const tagSystemRuleSet = TagSystemRuleSet.builder().add(A, [B, H]).add(B, [A]).addStop(H).build();
const tagSystem = new TagSystem(2, tagSystemRuleSet);
//Create Turing Machine which can simulate ANY 2-Tag System.
const transformHierarchy: ITransformHierarchy<
[TagSystem, TuringMachine],
> = createHierarchy(Converter.tag2SystemToTuringMachine218());
//Pass the 2-Tag System and start Turing Machine.
//(The Tag System will be copied and freezed, to refer operation-INdependent information)
transformHierarchy.start(tagSystem, [[A, B, B]]);
while (!transformHierarchy.stopped()) {
//Get the configuration of the Turing Machine, And interpret it as the Tag System's configuration.
//This hierarchy has type argument [TagSystem, TuringMachine]. So, with "0", we can refer Tag System's information. (Of course, with "1", we can refer Turing Machine's information.)
const configOfTagSystem: TagSystemConfiguration = transformHierarchy.getConfiguration(0)!;
//This hierarchy is stopped, so Tag System's word must be HA.
console.log(configOfTagSystem.word.toString()); // HA
//Get configuration of the Turing Machine and print tape.
const configOfTM: TMConfiguration = transformHierarchy.getConfiguration(1)!;
//Get the log-object showing how the transformation was performed.
//The format of that table depends on the conversion method. See the code of "converter.ts".
//This feature WAS currently particularly unstable and could easily change, but now it seems to be fixed.
const table = transformHierarchy.getTransFormLogOf(0)!;
(This lib is WIP, so functions are few.)
- Turing Machine
- Tag System
- Write-First Turing Machine (Usually used in the middle of a conversion of a computational models by a Converter.)
"Turing Machine with 2-symbol" simulates "Turing Machine" (SHANNON, Claude E. A universal Turing machine with two internal states. Automata studies, 1956, 34: 157-165.)
"Write-First Turing Machine with 2-symbol" simulates "Turing Machine with 2-symbol"
"Tag System" simulates "Write-First Turing Machine with 2-symbol"
(COCKE, John; MINSKY, Marvin. Universality of tag systems with P= 2. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1964, 11.1: 15-20.) -
"Turing Machine" simulates "2-Tag System"
(ROGOZHIN, Yurii. Small universal Turing machines. Theoretical Computer Science, 1996, 168.2: 215-240.)
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.
This repository created from "TypeScript library starter"(! Thanks!