This repository contains the code of the paper: Towards Active Learning for Action Spotting in Association Football Videos published at the CVSports workshop at CVPR 2023.
In this section, we detail the experiments performed on NetVLAD++.
conda create -y -n ActiveSpotting python=3.8
conda activate ActiveSpotting
conda install -y pytorch=1.6 torchvision=0.7 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
pip install SoccerNet matplotlib scikit-learn
NetVLAD++ is trained on top of pre-extracted video features.
For this paper, we investigated the genericly pre-trained ResNET features reduced with PCA to a dimension of 512.
For better action spotting performances, you can replace the *_ResNET_TF2_PCA512.npy
features with the *_baidu_soccer_embeddings.npy
import SoccerNet
from SoccerNet.Downloader import SoccerNetDownloader as SND
mySND.downloadGames(files=["1_ResNET_TF2_PCA512.npy", "2_ResNET_TF2_PCA512.npy"], split=["train","valid","test"])
Tip: if you do not have enough storage, you can create a symbolic link from a remote folder to path/to/SoccerNet
mkdir -p path/to
ln -s /media/giancos/Football/SoccerNet_ActiveLearning -T path/to/SoccerNet
The following code trains a model iteratively with an increasing number of sample, selected randomly, or actively (confidence-based and entropy-based).
# Train with a random active sampler
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=random --model_name=SoccerNet_Random
# Train with an active sampler based on confidence scores
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=confidence_0.5 --model_name=SoccerNet_Confidence_0.5
# Train with an active sampler based on entropy scores
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=entropy --model_name=SoccerNet_Entropy
This code list the performances of the training per active learning iteration.
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Random sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Random/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Confidence-based active sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Confidence_0.5/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Entropy-based active sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Entropy/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
This graph summarize the performances per ratio of trainig dataset.
You can train faster with an optimize training profile and increase the samples in the active learning step faster.
# Train with a random active sampler
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=random --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --model_name=SoccerNet_Random_faster_incr --GPU 0
# Train with an active sampler based on confidence scores
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=confidence_0.5 --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --model_name=SoccerNet_Confidence_0.5_faster_incr --GPU 0
# Train with an active sampler based on entropy scores
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=entropy --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --model_name=SoccerNet_Entropy_faster_incr --GPU 0
This code list the performances of the training per active learning iteration.
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Random sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Random_faster_incr/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Confidence-based active sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Confidence_0.5_faster_incr/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Entropy-based active sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Entropy_faster_incr/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
This graph summarize the performances per ratio of training dataset using faster training and increasing active learning steps.
You can fine-tune the model for a few epochs at each active learning iteration to reach faster performances.
# Fine-tune with a random active sampler
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=random --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --continue_training --model_name=SoccerNet_Random_faster_incr_cont
# Fine-tune with an active sampler based on entropy scores
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=entropy --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --continue_training --model_name=SoccerNet_Entropy_faster_incr_cont
# Fine-tune with a random active sampler for 5 epochs only
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=random --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --continue_training --max_epochs 5 --model_name=SoccerNet_Random_faster_incr_cont_5
# Fine-tune with an active sampler based on entropy scores for 5 epochs only
python src/ --SoccerNet_path="path/to/SoccerNet/" --sampling_method=entropy --training_scheme faster --active_scheme increasing --continue_training --max_epochs 5 --model_name=SoccerNet_Entropy_faster_incr_cont_5
This code list the performances of the continual training per active learning iteration.
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Random sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Random_faster_incr_cont/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Entropy-based active sampling
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Entropy_faster_incr_cont/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Random sampling for 5 epochs training only
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Random_faster_incr_cont_5/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
# List performance per active learning iteration for the Entropy-based active sampling for 5 epochs training only
tail -n100000 models/SoccerNet_Entropy_faster_incr_cont_5/*.log | grep "a_mAP visibility all:"
This graph summarize the performances per ratio of training dataset by fine-tuning to model at each iteration step.
In this section, we detail the experiments performed on PTS