docker compose up -d --build
cd api # to go to the api directory
cp .env.example .env # and set your own env variable
make install # for installing hooks and the dependencies
poetry run ingest # for launching the ingestion of data
poetry run api # for launching the API
poetry run ruff check --fix # for checking and fixing
poetry run ruff format # for formatting
poetry run pyright # for type checking
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files # for running all the checks
cd web # to go to the web directory
cp .env.example .env # and set your own env variable
yarn install --frozen-lockfile # for installing the dependencies
yarn build # for building the web app
yarn build:standalone # scripts used for building app for standalone usage
yarn dev # for running the web app in development mode
yarn start # for running the web app in production mode
yarn start:standalone # scripts used for running app for standalone usage
yarn type-check # for type-checking
yarn lint # for linting
Type de document | Nombre |
Code du travail | 11,313 |
Contributions | 2,016 |
Information | 52 |
Ministère du Travail | 1,416 | | 527 |