This repository provides a skeleton project for developing plugins for RESTHeart, a REST API platform for MongoDB.
Documentation for plugins development is available at
Check also the RESTHeart Greetings Services Tutorial
- Java 21+ (or GraalVM 21+): Required to compile and run the plugin.
- Docker: Used to containerize and run RESTHeart.
🚀 To run and develop this project you can now use the new RESTHeart command line interface. It provides a convenient interface for watching for code changes and automatically rebuilding/redeploying RESTHeart plugins.
After you have installed the cli, follow its Usage Guide. It explains how to start from this plugin skeleton to create a continuous development process.
Follow these steps if you prefer to set up and run the project with docker:
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:SoftInstigate/restheart-plugin-skeleton.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
$ cd restheart-plugin-skeleton
- Build and run the container:
$ ./mvnw clean package && docker run --pull=always --name restheart --rm -p "8080:8080" -v ./target:/opt/restheart/plugins/custom softinstigate/restheart -s
Note: The
option (standalone mode) disables MongoDB-dependent plugins. Use this option if you do not intend to connect to a MongoDB instance during runtime.
Test the service using:
With curl:
$ curl localhost:8080/srv
{"message":"Hello World!","rnd":"njXZksfKFW"}%
With httpie:
$ http -b :8080/srv
"message": "Hello World!",
"rnd": "KvQGBwsPBp"
To run RESTHeart with MongoDB, follow these steps:
- Launch a MongoDB container:
$ docker run -d --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 mongo --replSet=rs0
- Initialize MongoDB as a Single Node Replica Set:
$ docker exec mongodb mongosh --quiet --eval "rs.initiate()"
- Build and run the RESTHeart container:
$ ./mvnw clean package && docker run --name restheart --rm -p "8080:8080" -v ./target:/opt/restheart/plugins/custom softinstigate/restheart
Note: The
option is not used here to enable MongoDB-dependent plugins.
Test a simple GET request:
$ curl -u admin:secret localhost:8080/users
For more details, check the REST API Tutorial and the GraphQL Tutorial.
The default configuration is used. The environment variable RHO
can be used to override the configuration. See Change the configuration in Docker container
$ docker run --name restheart --rm -e RHO="/http-listener/host->'';/mclient/connection-string->'mongodb://host.docker.internal';/helloWorldService/message->'Ciao Mondo!'" -p "8080:8080" -v ./target:/opt/restheart/plugins/custom softinstigate/restheart -s
Here, the RHO
variable overrides:
: Sets the host to0.0.0.0
: Specifies the MongoDB connection string./helloWorldService/message
: Changes the default service message to "Ciao Mondo!".
$ curl localhost:8080/srv
{"message":"Ciao Mondo!","rnd":"rhyXFHOQUA"}%
Dependencies are managed using Maven. By default, jars are copied to the target/lib
directory by the maven-dependency-plugin
. These jars are automatically added to the classpath by RESTHeart.
RESTHeart includes several libraries by default. To avoid conflicts:
- Use the
scope for dependencies already included in RESTHeart.
To list included libraries:
$ git clone && cd restheart
$ mvn dependency:tree -Dscope=compile
RESTHeart supports building native images with GraalVM for optimized startup time and memory usage.
- Install GraalVM using sdkman:
$ sdk install java 21.0.3-graal
- Build the native image:
$ ./mvnw clean package -Pnative
- Run the binary:
$ RHO="/fullAuthorizer/enabled->true" target/restheart-plugin-skeleton
For more details, check Deploy Java Plugins on RESTHeart native.
Profile ID | Description |
native |
Builds a native image using GraalVM with custom plugins. |
security |
Includes the restheart-security module for advanced security. |
mongodb |
Adds MongoDB support with the restheart-mongodb module. |
graphql |
Enables GraphQL APIs using the restheart-graphql module. |
mongoclient-provider |
Provides a MongoClient provider with the restheart-mongoclient-provider module. |
metrics |
Adds monitoring capabilities with the restheart-metrics module. |
Activate a profile with the -P
$ ./mvnw clean package -Psecurity
Combine profiles as needed:
$ ./mvnw clean package -Psecurity,mongodb
For more details, refer to the pom.xml