An attempt to integrate xLink Kai back into XBMC4Xbox and derratives
XBMC-Kai makes use of Kai Engine's Simple HTTP Api (Thanks CrunchBite!!) to comunitcate to the engine. You can take a look at an idea of how it can be like here
Hopes are to have something similar to the old Kai integration in XBMC Build rev14095 At the very least set the Arena and connect once a game starts.
Well, cause it's older. A lot of things aren't supporting it, and most new users will probably use 3.5.3, XBMC4Gamers or XBMC-Emustation If anything, this might give the ability to newer users to connect with similar ease, and hopefully just as seamless. Although if you want to integrate the old stuff into the newer versions, feel free! The source for it right here
Python is not my first language, nor is it the style I am accustomed to. You might cringe at some bits, but in all honesty, any help is deeply appreciated.