giscedata_facturacio_som #42
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Nov 11, 2024 in 0s
All 119 tests pass, 1 skipped in 1s
120 tests 119 ✅ 1s ⏱️
2 suites 1 💤
2 files 0 ❌
Results for commit c8ec7ed.
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github-actions / Test Results
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
Raw output
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_not_emp_allow_recieve_mail_infoenergia
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github-actions / Test Results
120 tests found
There are 120 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
A Webservice ‑ the common service
ORM Exceptions ‑ when getting the message of the exception
Parsing view to get searchable fields ‑ Adding fields with select="1"
SQL Utilis module ‑ readonly decorator
The Features Flag system ‑ creating a feature
The Features Flag system ‑ when creating a new repository
The Features Flag system ‑ when getting a feature
The Features Flag system ‑ when registering a new feature
The check_for_features method ‑ it should be exported
The check_for_features method ‑ when getting the features of the server
Total ‑ A Webservice
Total ‑ ORM Exceptions
Total ‑ SQL Utilis module
Total ‑ The Features Flag system
Total ‑ Translating a view
Total ‑ UI Tools
Total ‑ Using an API Wrapper
Total ‑ Using isolation decorator
Total ‑ browse_null
Translating a view ‑ it must translate confirm strings
Translating a view ‑ it must translate text strings
Translating a view ‑ it must translate title strings
UI Tools ‑ Parsing view to get searchable fields
UI Tools ‑ When converting an OSV Exception
UI Tools ‑ When converting attrs to json rules
UI Tools ‑ when parsing attributes conditions
Using an API Wrapper ‑ it must call osv_pool as normal
Using isolation decorator ‑ when cursor_factory is a callable
Using isolation decorator ‑ when using read_only
When converting an OSV Exception ‑ it should parse type, title and body
When converting an OSV Exception ‑ when have multiple
When converting an OSV Exception ‑ when only have body
When converting an OSV Exception ‑ when only have title
When converting an OSV Exception ‑ when only have type and body
When converting attrs to json rules ‑ if a value is a variable
When converting attrs to json rules ‑ if attrs is empty
browse_null ‑ it should be comparable to False
browse_null ‑ it should be comparable to None
creating a feature ‑ it should be True as default
destral.testing.OOBaseTests ‑ test_access_rules
destral.testing.OOBaseTests ‑ test_all_views
destral.testing.OOBaseTests ‑ test_translate_modules
if a value is a variable ‑ it should be prefixed with $
if attrs is empty ‑ it should reutn an empty string
readonly decorator ‑ it must add cursor factory to method
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_add_info_line__single_env_infoenergia
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_add_info_line__single_env_massiu
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_add_info_line__two_env_infoenergia
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_add_info_line__two_env_massiu
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_allow_reenviar
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_email_subject_context
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_enviat
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_not_emp_allow_recieve_mail_infoenergia
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_ok
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_polissa_data_baixa
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_polissa_inactiva
som_infoenergia.tests.test_enviament.EnviamentTests ‑ test_send_single_report_without_attachment
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_cancel_enviaments_from_polissa_names_altres
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_cancel_enviaments_from_polissa_names_infoenergia
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_cancel_enviaments_from_polissa_names_polissaInactiva
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv_file_first
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv_file_second
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_from_object
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_from_object_extra_info
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_from_object_lot_tipus_altres_from_partner
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_from_object_lot_tipus_altres_from_partner_already_exist
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_from_object_lot_tipus_altres_from_pol
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_from_object_updateFoundInSearch
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_polissaInactive
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_polissaNotFound
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_create_single_enviament_updateEnviament
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_ff_totals_ff_progress_altres
som_infoenergia.tests.test_lot_enviament.LotEnviamentTests ‑ test_ff_totals_ff_progress_infoenergia
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_cancel_from_csv__many
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_cancel_from_csv__missingLeftZeros
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_cancel_from_csv__one
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv__infoenergia_many
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv__infoenergia_none
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv__infoenergia_one
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv__massive_extra_info
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv__massive_extra_info_with_semicolon
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_create_enviaments_from_csv__massive_extra_info_without_header
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_wizard_invalid_active_id__access_fare
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_wizard_invalid_active_id__exception_raises
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_wizard_invalid_active_id__invalid_cateogry
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCancelFromCSVTestsAndAddContractsLot ‑ test_wizard_invalid_active_id__no_filters
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCreateEnviamentsFromPartner ‑ test_wizard_create_enviaments_from_partner
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCreateEnviamentsFromPartner ‑ test_wizard_create_enviaments_from_partner_esSocia
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardCreateEnviamentsFromPartner ‑ test_wizard_create_enviaments_from_partner_teaportacions
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardMultipleStateChange ‑ test_multiple_state_change
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardSendReportsTests ‑ test_send_reports_from_enviament
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardSendReportsTests ‑ test_send_reports_from_lot
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardSendReportsTests ‑ test_send_reports_from_lot_max_one
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardSendReportsTests ‑ test_send_reports_from_test_lot
som_infoenergia.tests.test_wizards.WizardSendReportsTests ‑ test_send_reports_from_test_lot_missing_email
the common service ‑ The check_for_features method
when creating a new repository ‑ it should have another store per class
when cursor_factory is a callable ‑ it should call the callable
when evaluating conditions ‑ it should evaluate lists
when evaluating conditions ‑ it should return the correct key
when evaluating conditions ‑ it should use time builin
when evaluating conditions ‑ it should work with AND
when evaluating conditions ‑ it should work with False/True/None
when getting a feature ‑ when the feature doesn't exist
when getting a feature ‑ when the feature exists
when getting the features of the server ‑ it should return a dict with the feature and the feature as the value
when getting the message of the exception ‑ it is warning type
when getting the message of the exception ‑ it must following the format pattern of type -- name\n\nvalue
when only have body ‑ it should parse only body and default type is warning
when only have title ‑ it should parse only title and default type is warning
when only have type and body ‑ it should parse only type and body
when parsing attributes conditions ‑ it should parse the keys of attribute
when parsing attributes conditions ‑ when evaluating conditions
when registering a new feature ‑ it should be stored in the features repository
when registering a new feature ‑ it should fail if there is another feature with the same name
when the feature doesn't exist ‑ it should return None
when the feature exists ‑ it should return the feature
when using read_only ‑ it should have readonly and isolation_level both
when using read_only ‑ it should have the property isolation_level
when using read_only ‑ it should have the property readonly