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Noah Zemlin edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 7 revisions

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Robot Characteristics

The robot base is 0.4m long and 0.2m wide.

The robot is Ackermann steered. Each axle is 0.26m in length and the distance between axles is 0.3m. The center of the pair of axles is the center of the robot.



You can control the robot by publishing to /sim/control using the swc_msgs/Control.msg message.



You can request the list of waypoints (as GPS coordinates) at /sim/waypoints using the swc_msgs/Waypoints.srv message.



The GPS is published to /sim/gps and uses the swc_msgs/Gps.msg message. The GPS sensor is located at the center of the back axle. It is updated at ~10 Hz.


The IMU is published to /sim/imu and uses the sensor_msgs/Imu.msg message. The IMU sensor is located at the center of the back axle. It is updated at ~25 Hz.


The LIDAR is published to /scan and uses the sensor_msgs/LaserScan.msg message. The LIDAR is located at the center of the front axle. It is updated at ~10 Hz.

The ranges array starts with the LIDAR distance in front of the robot and continues CCW. There are 360 total samples. The minimum distance is 0.12m and the max is 10m.


The Camera is published to /sim/image/compressed and uses the sensor_msgs/Image.msg message. The Camera is located at the center of the front axle. It is updated at ~60 Hz (can depend on your computer's performance).


Velocity updates are published to /sim/velocity and uses the std_msgs/Float32 message type.

Bump Sensor

The robot is equipped with a bump sensor on the front of the chassis. The bump sensor's status is published on /sim/bumper and uses the std_msgs/Bool message type.

A message with true is sent when the bumper is pressed in. A message with false is sent when the bumper is relaxed.

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