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adamsong edited this page Nov 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

This will be the documentation for VRC Team 479C. In this wiki we will detail what changes were made, designs discussed, prototyped, and what we did at and between competitions.

Competition Pages

Each competition will get a page detailing what happened (scores, etc.) followed by an analysis of the events of the competition. This analysis will include, what we did right so that we may continue to do these practices. Next it shall contain the things went wrong and should be avoided in future competitions. Following that will be the section describing how to avoid or fix these issues, practices we believe will alleviate the problems in the previous section and will improve the performance at future competitions. Finally we will have design changes that we wish to make as a result of this competition.


There will also be a page for each building period between competitions. This will be a simple changelog, updated weekly on Thursdays after the meeting (or competition days to indicate the robot state going into the competition if any such changes that should be logged). These update will for the most part be kept brief to indicate progress.

Designs pages

The final group of pages will be for designs. They will contain information about what designs have been used and abandoned, what design we are working on, and what we have brainstormed. The abandoned designs will include what the design was, what progress was made, and why was the design abandoned. The current design shall include the details on the design and what the progress in on creating it. Finally the planned designs are going to include the details on the design. We will probably have multiple such designs as we continue to brainstorm ways to improve the robot.

Page naming conventions

What the contents of the page are will be indicated by the title. Competition pages will be titled with Competition followed by a hyphen and the date. The changelogs for between the competitions shall be titled Changelog followed by a space, the start date, a hyphen, and the end date. Finally the ideas will contain the name of the idea followed by an indicator for the status of the idea surrounded by square brackets, [Idea] for just brainstormed and fleshed out with no action, [In Progress] for the idea we are currently acting upon, and [Abandoned] for the ideas that we have found to be less than ideal and have been scrapped. All dates will be formatted according to ISO 8601 without hyphens.

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