This is a bot for Telegram and Vkontakte. All it does is responding to every users message with it's exact copy multiple times. The 'echo' multiplier can be set globaly, and individually for every user.
stack build
stack install
a-haskell-bot BOT FILE
Available BOT
telegram - run bot for Telegram
vkontakte - run bot for Vkontakte
is a JSON
formatted config file
Usage example:
a-haskell-bot telegram config.json
"defaults": {
"default-echo-multiplier": 1
"replies": {
"help": "This is a help message.",
"greeting": "Hello. This bot echoes your messages multiple times.\nUse '/help' command to see available commands list.",
"repeat": "How many times you want your messages to be repeated?",
"unknown": "Unknown command. Use '/help' to print commands list.",
"settings-saved": "Settings successfully updated."
"logger": {
"file": "../bot-log-file",
"verbosity": "debug"
"telegram": {
"api-key": "0123456789abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"timeout-seconds": 50
"vkontakte": {
"api-key": "0123456789abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"group-id": 123456789,
"api-version": "5.86",
"wait-seconds": 50
Bot can take commands from user:
- initiates interaction with user;
- prints help message;
- initiates 'echo' multiplier setting dialog.
Bot doesn't work in inline mode
Works only with API version 5.86