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⛔️ blocking:duplicate
⛔️ blocking:duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
⛔️ blocking:invalid
⛔️ blocking:invalid
This doesn't seem right
⛔️ blocking:need-info
⛔️ blocking:need-info
Further information is requested (eg. cannot reproduce)
⛔️ blocking: upstream
⛔️ blocking: upstream
Not really our bug, most likely some Forge issue or their dependency
⛔️ blocking:wontfix
⛔️ blocking:wontfix
This will not be worked on
📦️ package:maker-alpm
📦️ package:maker-alpm
Associated to @reforged/maker-alpm
📦️ package:maker-appimage
📦️ package:maker-appimage
Associated to @reforged/maker-appimage
🧩️ status:good-first-issue
🧩️ status:good-first-issue
Good for newcomers
⚠️ status:help-wanted
⚠️ status:help-wanted
Extra attention is needed
☑️ status:reproducible
☑️ status:reproducible
This issue can be reproduced and should be worked on
🏷️ type:bug
🏷️ type:bug
Something isn't working
🏷️ type:docs
🏷️ type:docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
🏷️ type:epic
🏷️ type:epic
Group of issues representing single funtionality.
🏷️ type:feat
🏷️ type:feat
New feature or request