Project Title: _printf clone
Description: This project is a custom implementation of the C library function printf. Our version, named _printf, replicates the basic functionalities of the standard printf function, allowing formatted output to stdout. It's designed to demonstrate a deep understanding of variadic functions in C, string manipulation, and output handling.
Compilation Command To compile the _printf function and any associated files, use: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o output
Requirements Environment: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Compiler: GCC Version Control: Git Please note that while these requirements capture the primary environment and tools used, they do not include all specific requirements of the project.
Usage Examples The _printf clone function can be used in a similar way to the standard printf function. Here are some examples:
Example 1: Printing a String Code:_printf("Hello, World!\n");
Output on STDOUT: Hello, World!
Example 2: Printing an Integer Code: _printf("Number: %d\n", 10);
Output on STDOUT: Number: 10
Man Page Refer to the provided manual page for detailed usage instructions.
Testing Tests for the _printf clone function should cover a variety of use cases. Use the following command for testing with memory leak checks: valgrind ./output
Flowchart The flowchart detailing the logic of _printf clone is included in the project files. It outlines the handling of different format specifiers and the overall structure of the function.