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2. Applications

Jack Sankey edited this page Jul 1, 2017 · 1 revision

As we develop general-purpose applications for the Crimson, we will place them in the importable module pycrimson.applications, and add some basic documentation in these sections of the wiki (see navigation panel to the right). The goal of these applications is to provide an intuitive user interface for the Crimson's common functionality.

All of these applications are built upon the high-level Spinmob (specifically spinmob.egg) library, which itself requires numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and PyQtGraph, all of which can be installed via pip:

$ pip install matplotlib
$ pip install scipy
$ pip install pyqtgraph
$ pip install spinmob

should do the trick (note numpy is automatically installed with scipy).

Once you're ready to go, stick import pycrimson.applications in a code-completing editor (e.g. Spyder) or run it from the terminal (e.g. IPython) to see what is available. Use python's help() function or Spyder's object inspector to learn how to use everything.
