SQL managing application using pymysql for a company that stores customer details, bills, information about measurements and contracts signed with the customers. The safety of the data is not taken into account here, only the careful modeling of the db and some basic interface. Entity relationship diagram and Relation Diagram are used to design the database.
Each customer is a consumer and can be a producer as well. Every month, a consumption measurement is inserted and if they are a producer, then a production measurement as well. Automatically, a bill is generated based on the amount of energy consumed and produced and the percentage of discount they get based on their characteristics (like having disability or multiple children). The bill is inserted into the database and is visible through a number of ways.
The app lets you either search, edit, insert and delete some particular data on the database. Briefly explained below:
Search for a customer's:
- Bills
- All bills
- A single bill
- Measurements
- All measurements
- Only production/only consumption measurements
- A single measurement
- Contract
- The contract signed with the company
- Bills
Edit a customer's:
- Measurements
- Insert/Overwrite measurement
- Bills
- Delete a bill
- Create a bill
- Measurements