Better Service Worker #115
10 errors
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Ignored error pattern #^Parameter \#1 \$value of function count expects array\|Countable, array\|string given\.$# in path /home/runner/work/phpwa/phpwa/src/Command/CreateServiceWorkerCommand.php was not matched in reported errors.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Class SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Dto\Screenshot has an uninitialized property $src. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Ignored error pattern #^Class SpomkyLabs\\PwaBundle\\Dto\\Workbox has an uninitialized property \$precachingPlaceholder\. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor\.$# in path /home/runner/work/phpwa/phpwa/src/Dto/Workbox.php was not matched in reported errors.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Ignored error pattern #^Class SpomkyLabs\\PwaBundle\\Dto\\Workbox has an uninitialized property \$warmCachePlaceholder\. Give it default value or assign it in the constructor\.$# in path /home/runner/work/phpwa/phpwa/src/Dto/Workbox.php was not matched in reported errors.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Method SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Normalizer\AssetNormalizer::normalize() has parameter $context with no value type specified in iterable type array.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
PHPDoc tag @return with type array<string, string> is incompatible with native type string.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Method SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Normalizer\AssetNormalizer::denormalize() has parameter $context with no value type specified in iterable type array.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Method SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Normalizer\AssetNormalizer::supportsNormalization() has parameter $context with no value type specified in iterable type array.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Method SpomkyLabs\PwaBundle\Normalizer\AssetNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() has parameter $context with no value type specified in iterable type array.
PHP 8.2 Test on ubuntu-latest:
Ignored error pattern #^Parameter \#1 \$haystack of function str_starts_with expects string, string\|null given\.$# in path /home/runner/work/phpwa/phpwa/src/Normalizer/ScreenshotNormalizer.php was not matched in reported errors.