Releases: SreekanthPalakurthi/kranul
v6.9: configs: init 6.9
- Upstream to 4.4.257
- Some Cleanup and misc changes
configs: Initialize StormBreaker v6.7
• Linux Upstreams to v4.4.249
• Rebased EAS version over HMP version
• Update wireguard to 1.0.20201221 snapshot
• Build with latest Proton Clang 12.0.0 + LTO + O3 + DCE
• Check github repo for more
V6.6: Initialize StormBreaker v6.6
• Linux Upstreams to v4.4.243
• Update wireguard to 1.0.20201112 snapshot
• Build with latest Proton Clang 12.0.0 + LTO + O3 + DCE
• Misc changes
v6.5.1: configs: init 6.5.1
• Fixed Hotspot issues with some R roms
• Update wifi drivers from LA.UM.7.2.r1-09400-sdm660.0 caf tag
• Signed build as an added security
• Misc changes
Initialize StormBreaker v6.5
• Linux Upstreams to v4.4.241
• Merge LA.UM.8.2.r2-03000-sdm660.0 caf tag into the kernel
• Msm: performance: Prevent the driver from handling userspace min freq cpu boost hints
• soc: qcom: msm_perf: Kill max freq handling too
• Nuke UFS
• Disable msm8998 drivers
• Build with latest Proton Clang 12.0.0 + LTO + O3
• A lot more clean up and misc changes refer git repo for more
Initialize StormBreaker v6.4
- Upstream kernel to Linux version 4.4.238
- Merge LA.UM.8.2.r1-07300-sdm660.0 caf tag into the kernel
- Use Westwood as the default TCP congestion algorithm
- Bbr upstreams
- Use wlan drivers from LA.UM.7.2.r1-07200-sdm660.0 caf tag
- Cleaned up some useless stuff
- Update msm_ipa.h with latest IPA versions constants
- More misc changes
- Compiled with GCC 10.2 yo
Initialize StormBreaker v6.3
- Upstreamed to 4.4.236
- Rebased
- Compiled with GCC 10.2
Changelog -
- Kernel upstreamed to 4.4.232
- Wireguard upstreamed to 1.0.20200729 snapshot
- Import binder from android-4.19-q branch from android common
- Merge LA.UM.8.2.r2-02300-sdm660.0 caf tag into the kernel
- Added Live display drivers
- Fix AOSPA dt2w for real this time
- Fix memory leaks in mdss_livedisplay_update
- Compiled with latest proton clang 12.0.0
- Some misc changes
V6.0: Initialize StormBreaker v6.0
- Merged 4.4.231
- Update wireguard to 1.0.20200712 snapshot
- Add AOSPA's dt2w support (thx @orgesified)
- Merged 'LA.UM.8.2.r2-02300-sdm660.0'
- Anykernel upstreams
- Compiled with proton clang 12.0.0