This project is part of the Udacity Azure ML Nanodegree. In this project, we build and optimize an Azure ML pipeline using the Python SDK and Scikit-learn Logistic Regression model. This model is then compared to an Azure AutoML run.
This dataset contains data about UCI bank marketing, we will be doing classfication to predict if the client will subscribe to a term deposit with the bank. First, we will create and optimize an Scikit Logistic Regression ML pipeline, the hyperparamaters of which we will optimize using Hyperdrive. Then we will be comparing with the Auto ML results.
In our experiment, the best performing model is VotingEnsemble generated by AutoML.
Explain the pipeline architecture, including data, hyperparameter tuning, and classification algorithm.
- As part of our pipeline, we need a training script ''. Data is imported from the specified URL using 'TabularDatasetFactory'.
- After doing the necessary data clean up, we split the data into train and test sets.
- First we need to get our 'workspace' and 'experiment' objects running. Then we created a compute cluster with compute configuration 'vm_size' :'Standard_D2_V2' and 'max_nodes=4'.
- Conda_dependencies.yml file is used for creating Sckit-learn environment.
- Parameter Sampler - RandomSampling is used.
- Early stopping policy is specified for saving training time and resources.
- As Sklearn estimator is deprecated, ScriptRunConfig is used to define the configuration information needed to submit a run in Azure ML, including the script - '', compute target - 'compute_cluster', environment - 'sklearn_env' , and any distributed job-specific configs.
- With the help of HyperDriveConfig Class we define the configuration for hyperparameter space sampling, termination policy, primary metric, estimator, and the compute target to execute the experiment runs on.
What are the benefits of the parameter sampler you chose?
In our experiment, Random Sampling is used as it uses less budget as compared to Grid and Bayesian Sampling. In random sampling, hyperparameter values are randomly selected from the defined search space. It can be used for initial search and then refine the search space to improve the results.
Whereas Bayesian sampling is recommended if enough budget is available to explore the hyperparameter space. For best results, a maximum number of runs greater than or equal to 20 times the number of hyperparameters being tuned is recommended.
Grid sampling can be used if we have budget for exhaustive search over the search space. It performs a simple grid search over all possible values. Thus in our case due to cost constraints Random Sampling is preferred.
What are the benefits of the early stopping policy you chose?
Early termination improves computational efficiency by automatically terminating poorly performing runs.
Bandit Policy terminates runs where the primary metrics is not within the specified slack amount compared to the best performing run.
Median Stopping Policy terminates runs with primary metric less than the median of averages.
Truncation Selection Policy cancels a percentage of lowest performing runs at each evaluation interval based on the defined primary metric.
The reason for picking Bandit policy with smaller allowable slack is mainly to gain aggressive savings compared to other early stopping policies.
Describe the model and hyperparameters generated by AutoML.
AutoML generated VotingEnsemble with accuracy of 91.66. Some of the Classification algorithms used to perform the training are -
In most machine learning practice, we need to do some pre-process activities such as remove missing values, scaling data, group and binning, and feature selections.For most ML algorithms we need to scale data based on the nature of data.Standard Preprocessing techniques used are:
A combination of standard pre-processing and classification algorithm is used to train the models and VotingEnsemble is used to derive the final model. Traditional machine learning model development like the one we used above is resource-intensive, requiring significant domain knowledge and time to produce and compare dozens of models. With automated machine learning, we can accelerate the time it takes to get production-ready ML models with great ease and efficiency.
Model Explanation data is used to obtain the -
global importance values: [0.5383595320446376, 0.3912522512445099, 0.16865529451041963, 0.08177701960531822]
global importance names: ['duration', 'nr.employed', 'cons.conf.idx', 'emp.var.rate']
Compare the two models and their performance. What are the differences in accuracy? In architecture? If there was a difference, why do you think there was one?
In the 1st model we did traditional hyperparameter tuning of Sklearn Logistic Regression by using Azure Hyperdrive. We used Random sampling and Bandit policy to further improving the performance. The pipeline gave us an accuracy of 90.88 with a regularization strength of 0.01. Whereas, the AutoML model outeperformed the traditional hyperparamater tuning with an accuracy of 91.66 using VotingEnsemble choosing LightGBM as the surrogate model.
What are some areas of improvement for future experiments? Why might these improvements help the model?
AutoML detected Class Imbalance. Imbalanced data can lead to a falsely perceived positive effect of a model's accuracy because the input data has bias towards one class. This can be checked to improve the model performance.