nagios, icinga, ... plugin and pnp4nagios template for apache server-status
This plugin uses apaches server-status (mod_status) to collect information about your running apache process. It uses wget to receive that data. For more details look at the examples below.
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
-H, --hostname
Host name or IP address - will be used as
http://<hostname>/server-status. You can overwrite this
url by using -u/--url.
-v, --verbose
Be much more verbose.
Path to wget. Could also be used to use lynx or something
else instead of wget. Output must be send to stdout.
Arguments passed to wget.
-u, --url
Use this url to connect to the apache server-status. Usefull
if the auto generated url out of the hostname is not correct.
--wc=<field,warning,critical>, --warncrit=<field,warning,critical>
Field could be any of the letters of the apache scoreboard or
of the other keys returned by server-status. Can be set multiple
times if you want to check more than one field.
Testing apache server-status with wget:
wget -q -O- http://localhost/server-status?auto
Total Accesses: 229725
Total kBytes: 1281134
CPULoad: .000495073
Uptime: 1026111
ReqPerSec: .223879
BytesPerSec: 1278.5
BytesPerReq: 5710.66
BusyWorkers: 1
IdleWorkers: 9
Scoreboard: _.___._...___..W_.....................................................................................................................................
./ --wc=.,@130:,@145: --wc=BytesPerSec,1000,2000
WARNING APACHE SERVER STATUS Wait=8, Start=0, Read=0, Send=1, Keepalive=1, DNS=0, Close=0, Logging=0, Graceful=0, Idle=0, Free=140 ===> Total=150 RATES ReqPerSec=.206872, BytesPerSec=1124.59, BytesPerReq=5436.15|Wait=8 Start=0 Read=0 Send=1 Keepalive=1 DNS=0 Close=0 Logging=0 Graceful=0 Idle=0 Free=140 ReqPerSec=.206872 BytesPerSec=1124.59 BytesPerReq=5436.15
You want to know in detail what happens? Use -v Flag!
./ --wc=.,@130,@145 --wc=BytesPerSec,1000,2000 -v
$options = {
'verbose' => 1,
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'wget' => '/usr/bin/wget',
'wget-options' => '-q --no-check-certificate -O-',
'help' => undef,
'version' => undef,
'warncrit' => [
'url' => undef
$warncrit = {
'BytesPerSec' => {
'w' => '1000',
'c' => '2000'
'.' => {
'w' => '@130',
'c' => '@145'
Url: http://localhost/server-status?auto
$server-status = {
'Total kBytes' => '1281078',
'Scoreboard' => '_.__W._...___..__.....................................................................................................................................',
'BytesPerSec' => '1278.78',
'BusyWorkers' => '1',
'BytesPerReq' => '5710.78',
'Uptime' => '1025840',
'Total Accesses' => '229710',
'ReqPerSec' => '.223924',
'IdleWorkers' => '9',
'CPULoad' => '.000494229'
$scoreboard = {
'.' => 140,
'W' => 1,
'_' => 9
checking warn/crit for "BytesPerSec"...
value: "1278.78"
checking type critcal = 2000
inside or outside: out min: 0 max: 2000
checking type warning = 1000
inside or outside: out min: 0 max: 1000
result: 1
checking warn/crit for "."...
value: "140"
checking type critcal = @145
inside or outside: in min: 0 max: 145
result: 2
Check overall status: 2
CRITICAL APACHE SERVER STATUS Wait=9, Start=0, Read=0, Send=1, Keepalive=0, DNS=0, Close=0, Logging=0, Graceful=0, Idle=0, Free=140 ===> Total=150 RATES ReqPerSec=.223924, BytesPerSec=1278.78, BytesPerReq=5710.78|Wait=9 Start=0 Read=0 Send=1 Keepalive=0 DNS=0 Close=0 Logging=0 Graceful=0 Idle=0 Free=140 ReqPerSec=.223924 BytesPerSec=1278.78 BytesPerReq=5710.78