Releases: Steffo99/greed
Releases · Steffo99/greed
Security and feature release!
🛡️ Security
- Introduced some checks to prevent de-authorized users from accessing menus they were forbidden from using (fe751cb)
✨ New features
- Added configuration option to disable cash payments (#190,
) - Added configuration option to disable admin transaction creation (#190,
📔 Documentation
- Added warranty and liability disclaimer in the front page of the documentation
🔍 Full changelog
A new patch release!
💠 Improvements
- Better description of product deletion message by @oleg20111511 in #175
- Removed raw calls to Telegram Bot API and replaced them with python-telegram-bot methods by @oleg20111511 in #178
- Fixed an issue when, while editing a product without a price, part of the string would not be localized by @oleg20111511 in #178
🔍 Full changelog
Since the original release...
✨ New features
- Multiple language support by @DarrenWestwood in #32
- Cart summary by @pzhuk in #38
- Allow configuration of currency symbol by @pzhuk in #42
- Configurable payment presets by @pzhuk in #40
- Logging support by @Steffo99 in #52
- Better strings and localization support by @Steffo99 in #54
- Completely rework the configuration system by @Steffo99 in #76
- Support tips by @Steffo99 in #124
- Removed unused imports and refactored imports by @rashidkalwar in #145
- Add Docker support by @Steffo99 in #168
🏴☠️ New languages
- 🇺🇦 by @pzhuk in #36, @Trentyn in #171 and #173
- 🇷🇺 by @pzhuk in #41, @Bakx13 in #92, @valentino-sm in #111 and #113, @Trentyn in #172
- 🇨🇳 by @zhihuiyuze in #68
- 🇮🇱 by @netanelkoli in #70
- 🇲🇽 by @mastersuv in #85
- 🇧🇷 by @eufelipemateus in #132
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fix cancellable calls by @pzhuk in #37
- Fix typo by @mastersuv in #84
- python-telegram-bot improvements by @valentino-sm in #105
- Fix one-to-one relation warning by @valentino-sm in #106
- Fix sqlalchemy exception by @valentino-sm in #114 and #11
- Fix orderitem-order relation warning by @valentino-sm in
- Fix worker admin init by @valentino-sm in #126
⬆️ Dependency upgrades
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5 by @dependabot in #136