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Main Window

Stekeblad edited this page May 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

Its here you should be most of the time and where videos are uploaded from.

If you have authenticated with YouTube and the authentication is still valid when the program starts you can see the name of your channel all videos will be uploaded to in the window title.

The program will since version 1.4.0 check for updates on startup. If an update is found a popup will appear saking if you want to update. The updater can be configured and started manually from the settings window.

Top menu bar

Located at the very top of the window you can find the following things:

A button that opens the preset window. Presets are a key feature of Stekeblads Video Uploader and allows you to quickly add video information to multiple videos.

A button to open the Settings window that contains (more than settings) also some helpful links, for example to this wiki.

It appears a progress indicator next to the settings button while presets is being applied to videos.

Main UI Elements

The following buttons and fields are always visible in this window

Pick files to upload: Opens the choose files dialog there you select one or more video files to upload. All video files that was selected will then be added to the area to the left of the button, if non-video files was selected a alert dialog will show up stating that one or more of the selected files is not a video file and they will not be added. If the list to the left is not empty then new videos are added, the old will be replaced by the new.

Select a preset: The select a preset drop down will contain a list of all your saved preset, select the one you want to apply for the selected videos or leave it blank. Presets can be added, edited and deleted in the presets window.

Automatic numbering: If your preset uses the $(ep) tag in the title you can use the automatic numbering feature by entering the number to start on in the box. Then you later press apply preset "$(ep)" in the title will be replaced by a number. The first video in the list to the left will get the number in the automatic numbering field and all the following will be numbered one higher then the previous. If a preset is selected and it has the $(ep) tag, and the automatic numbering field is empty the numbering will start at one (1). If no preset is selected or the preset does not have the $(ep) tag then the value in the automatic numbering field will be ignored

Apply preset: If no preset is selected then all selected videos will be moved to the upload area with their filename as title and all other details will be unknown. If a preset is selected then the title, description, video tags and everything else from the preset will be added to the selected videos. If the preset contains any tags they will be transformed. The order of the added videos is the same in the selected files list.

Remove All Finished Uploads: All videos in the list below that has finished uploading will be removed from the list. Does not affect the other videos.

Start All Ready Uploads: Checks all videos listed below in order from top to bottom and if they have the "Start Upload" button visible the action linked to it will be executed.

Abort All Uploads: Stops all started uploads, does exactly the same thing as manually clicking on abort for all uploads one at the time. Just less clicking. Before any uploads are stopped the user there will be a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure you want to abort all uploads with a yes/no choice.

Abort All And Clear Uploads Area: Shows a confirmation dialog asking if the user is sure about aborting all uploads and clearing the upload area. If yes is selected, all started uploads will be stopped followed by removing all videos from the list. Useful if the wrong preset accidentally was used.

Video buttons

The following button affect a single video and between one and three of them is visible at a time for every video. Read about the video and preset details

Start Upload: Queues the video for upload. Videos are uploaded in the order they are started and only one will be uploaded at a time. If you have not given the program permission to access your youtube channel you will be asked to do so before the upload starts.

Edit: Makes title, description etc. editable. Videos scheduled to be uploaded can not be edited unless they first are aborted.

Delete: Removes the video from the list without uploading it. Will show a confirmation dialog before deleting allowing you to cancel if clicking by mistake. The video file on your computer is not deleted.

Cancel: Discards all changes made to the video and revert it to how it was before edit was clicked. Disables editing of the video.

Save: Saves the changes made to the video and disables editing.

Abort: Removes a video from the internal list of scheduled uploads. If the video is currently being uploaded the upload will be stopped and the next video in the queue will be started. An aborted video will remain in the list on the screen and can be edited, deleted and started again later.

Hide: A video with this button visible has finished uploading and by clicking this button it will be removed from the list on screen.

Close Window Dialog

If a upload is in progress then you click on the close button for the window a dialog is shown containing the following buttons.

Do not close: Closes the dialog and the main window remains open as nothing changed.

Stop all uploads: All started uploads will be aborted and the program closes.

auto-restart started but unfinished uploads next time: All uploads that has been started is aborted and stored to your hard drive before closing and the next time the program is launched they will be loaded back into the program. They need to be started manually. Videos that was not scheduled to be uploaded will be lost.