Given the amount of material out there one could certainly wonder why develop a new geometric library that will surely have fewer features than other libraries that represent the standard in the field. During my master thesis part of this code was developed [1]. The aim was to develop a small, hard real-time capable and easy to maintain geometric kernel that computes some geometrical parameters of a custom tire model in contact with the road. Moreover we wanted a geometric library that was written using Eigen template linear algebra library. The desire to extend the previous thesis work has made it necessary to better formalize and produce a more effective code that we collected on a independent library. The newly born library has been ironically named ACME (A Code Making Everything).
ACME is small 3D computational geometry library which is currently still being developed. The library is built to be efficient, readable and easy-to-use. Users must remember thereference coordinate system of each geometrical object. The objects have not the possibility to store the coordinate system in which they are defined. For this reason, all transformations must be carried out by the user whenever necessary.
Since our goals are the speed and robustness, we decided to embed the Eigen template linear algebra library. More specifically, dense matrix and array manipulation, space transformations are carried out by respecively using Eigen Matrix class and Eigen Geometry module.
ACME is currently the foundation of a terrain server sofware running on a hard real-time DIL driving simulator. It resolves the geometrical intersection problems with a real-time factor (RTF) of 50.
Davide Stocco - Spring 2021
In a next future we would like to develop methods and support also for the following geometrical entities:
- sphere;
- circular arc;
- convex quadrilateral.
Available at:
Library is being tested on Linux and MacOS, it will be soon tested also on Windows. If you have questions regarding the library or you want to report a bug, please open an issue at GitHub. If your request would contain confidential information, please send us an email.
- D. Stocco, Real-Time Computation of Tire/Road Contact using Tailored Algorithms, 2020, Master Thesis (in Italian), PDF.